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Sites marked with an * are archived (older) copies from the "Wayback Machine" with more than 100 terrabytes on file
Mega Sites
The Vatican The navigation can be a little tricky sometimes, but what a treasure house
EWTN (AAA) Faith Facts Library Multimedia
New Advent (AAA)
Catholic Community Forum (AAA)
Knights of Columbus (AAA) a truly fine example of what it means to excel in all three categories of our rating system. (PN)
Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAB+) Numerous links for the Catholic apologist or for learning more about the faith
Catholic Culture
Table of Contents
More good Catholic web pages
Catholic Answers (AAA) Library
Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+) An excellent international lay apostolate defending the faith Faith Facts
Nazareth Resource Library (AAA) James Akin. Many great Catholic resources and apologetics materials.
CatholicSource (AAA) "dedicated to helping people of all denominations learn about Catholicism."
The Catholic Pages (AAA+)
A Librarian\\\\\\'s Guide to Catholic Resources on the Internet (AAA)
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (ABA) Fr. Benedict Groeschel, founder article reprint
Canadian Catholics Information Network (AAB)
The Internet Padre (AAA+)
Totally Catholic Link Directory (AAA)
Catholic Info Net (CIN) (ABB)
Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society (AAB)
A Catholic Page for Lovers (AAB+) Gerard Serafin. Excerpts from classic Catholic writers & much more!
Leaflets of Faith (ABA) publishers of a series of free leaflets on aspects of the Roman Catholic Christian faith
Catholic Cincinnati - Catholic Kiosk (AAA-) Aquinas multimedia
Peter and Paul Ministries (AAA-) Founded by two converts. "Jesus came to forgive sin NOT to accept it!"
Roman Theological Forum (AAA) "...an association of scholars working ...for the advancement of theology and philosophy within the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church." Petersnet
Mark Shea.com Catholic convert, apologist & author
James Likoudis\\\\\\' Page
Renewal Ministries The Choices we face - Ralph Martin & Food for the Journey - Sister Ann Shields
Shroud of Turin website (AAA) An examination of the evidence for the purported burial cloth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
The Other Shroud of Christ the Sudarium, the face cloth used in the burial of Christ, & its relationship to the Shroud of Turin
Sons of Thunder Real audio, radio programs (WBVM Spirit FM) featuring Dr. Scott Hahn & Gus Lloyd
Inter Mirifica (A,B,A) Library, Catechetical Info, Home Study Courses, Catholic Faith magazine etc.
Black Catholic Information Mall
100% Catholic!!! John D\\\\\\'Arcy
Sean Ó Lachtnáin\\\\\\'s Home Page (AAA)
Aedification Luke Wadel
Simple Catholicism Fr. Phil Bloom
St. Joseph Radio (ABB) S/W, AM/FM , listen live or to archived programs Excellent! Catologue of books & tapes
Les Femmes, The Women of Truth
CathoChic.com (ABA) Cool Bits for Catholic Chics!
Catholic Freebies
CatholiCity (BAA)
Catholic Web Directory (BCA) Top 250 Catholic links of St. Francis Parish
*ChristiFideles Reverend John Perricone, founder. (featured on EWTN)
One Bread Lay Apostolate (AAA)
Guild of Catholic Doctors An association of Catholic Doctors in England & Wales Topics page
Handicapped Encounter Christ The Unofficial www homepage
The Philadelphia Handicapped Encounter Christ Retreat Program Villanova University
St. Nicholas (AAA) Discovering the truth about Santa Claus
Father Peffley\\\\\\'s site
The Crossroads Initiative Dr. Marcellino D\\\\\\'Ambrosio
Fr. Anthony Zimmerman\\\\\\'s Books and Articles (AAA)
Second Exodus (AAA) Israelite Origins of the Catholic Faith
Table of Contents
PetersNet (AAA) A great search engine. They also offer valuable descriptions and ratings of the various sites.
EWTN (AAA) Search EWTN\\\\\\'s extensive library. Great search engine. Library Indexes Papal Documents
The Vatican by author by resource news
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAB+) Numerous articles and links with a search engine
The Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent
Dictionary of Catholic Terms Journey in Faith
Catholic Definitions Second Exodus (AAA)
Catechisms Several online versions to choose from, including free downloadable ones. 5 versions, ie. Trent, Baltimore etc.
Other tools Canon Law, General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM) -- "old" & "new" versions
Bible Links
Most Theological Library one of the most distinguished Catholic teachers, theologians and Scripture scholars of our time
Catholic Community Forum (AAA)
VaticanII.com: Power Search search the Catechism, the Catholic Encyclopedia, or the Holy See\\\\\\'s web site from 1 page
Roman Theological Forum search through their article database
St. Michael\\\\\\'s Library & Information Services
Formulating Effective Search Strategies College of St. Benedict + St. John\\\\\\'s University
Evaluating Internet Research Sources
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity Compiled by Jay C. Treat. Non-Catholic site.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Thesaurus
Catholic Heirarchy.org search by diocese, bishop, country or event. A worldwide directory
U.S. Dioceses NCCB/USCC list
Diocese search
Mass Times (AAA-) "Anyone who travels or wants to check on Mass times in the local area will benefit. 800-627-7846"
Cindi\\\\\\'s List of Genealogy sites on the internet
Genealogical Research Guide (AAA) Local Catholic Church & Family History
"Wayback Machine" archives Search for web pages that are no longer on the net
To search this site, use your browser\\\\\\'s "find" or "search" feature. (eg. for Internet Explorer "control", "F") (start at top of page) or use the free Google Toolbar It is easy to install & can search all the sites from this web page, or the whole web.
Table of Contents
Angels, demons & exorcisms
Angels & demons numerous links The Internet Padre (AAA+)
What Are Ghosts? - from "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Heaven", Dr. Peter Kreeft (Ignatius Press, 1990)
*Angels and Demons - Facts not Fiction Father John Corapi
The Role of the Angels A Companion to the Summa, Walter Farrell, O.P.
Congregation Publishes New Rite of Exorcism Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. January 26, 1999.
Exorcism Rite Reformed Crista Kramer von Reisswitz. Inside the Vatican
On The Current Norms Governing Exorcisms Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Sept. 29, 1984 EWTN (AAA)
Exorcism - The Facts (AAA+)
Demonic Possession and Exorcism By Fr. William Saunders The Arlington Catholic Herald
\\\\\\'The Exorcist\\\\\\': The Story Behind the Movie By Fr. William Saunders The Arlington Catholic Herald
The Ouija Board: A Game, or a gamble? Envoy Magazine
Table of Contents
The Tide of Vain Credulity: The Church\\\\\\'s Role in Apparitions Most Rev. Jean Honoré, Archbishop of Tours
Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary "The purpose of this website is to provide information about the Church\\\\\\'s position on the major apparitions of Jesus and Mary. The site rates the different apparitions and designates which ones have Church approval. This site seems to be well-balanced and obedient to the Church\\\\\\'s position and does not promote unapproved apparitions." (Petersnet)
Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century The Mary Page (C,A,A) This site has much to offer about Our Lady however there appears to be a slight taint of radical feminism so we recommend caution.
101 Foundation Promoting the Church approved apparitions at Akita, Japan
Our Lady of Zeitun online (Egypt) alleged apparitions occurring for ~ 2 yrs starting April 2, 1968. seen by millions
Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima (AB+A) The Message of Fatima
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas (AAA+)
Lourdes A Place of Miracles - a slice of Heaven
Table of Contents
Apologetics anti-Catholicism, Development of doctrine, doctrines, Protestantism, sects/cults, traditionalists
Apologetics articles Library of EWTN (AAA)
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism Dave Armstrong\\\\\\'s award winning site. Good search engine, many links & articles.
Scripture Catholic (AAA) over 2,000 Scripture citations followed by a one-line exegesis of a point of Catholic teaching
The Bible Defends the Catholic Church! Scriptural Concordance Douay-Rheims for Catholic doctrine. Antoine Valentim
Defenders of the Faith (B,A,A+) by Steve Ray, author of Crossing the Tiber a selection of Mr. Ray\\\\\\'s writings
Catholic Answers Great site for apologetic tracts. Carl Keating, James Akin, Jason Everett and other top apologists
Practical Apologetics online Tracts & Booklets Catholic Answers
Catholic Apologetics Today: Answers to Modern Critics online book by Rev. William G. Most
Matt\\\\\\'s Catholic Apologetics Page (AAB+)
Miscellaneous Writings: By I. Shawn McElhinney
Catholic Apologetics Network (AAA-) This site has some very good, original, apologetic material. (PN) (archived)
Catholic Evidence Guild (Arizona)
Catholic Evidence Guild (New York) (A,C,B+)
Catholic Evidence Training Outlines Frank Sheed. Compiled by Maisie Ward. EWTN (AAA)
Catholic Evidence Training Outlines(download)
Catholic Treasure Chest (AAB+) Bob Stanley "comprehensive Catholic apologetic website." Petersnet. Multilingual
Catholic Information Goldmine Bob Stanley
Catholic Defenders of the Faith Bob Stanley
Lumen Verum (AAA) Australia\\\\\\'s premier lay Catholic apologetics organization. (Peter\\\\\\'s Net)
Catholic Doctrinal Concordance (AAB+)
Evangelical Catholic Apologetics Phil Porvaznik
Biblical Truth for Baptists (AAA) contrasts the Scriptures with the teachings of the churches calling themselves Baptist.
The · Augustine · Club Apologetics Toolkit
The Real Presence Association
Fathers of the Church (sorted by doctrine) (AAA) Corunum. by Joseph Gallegos
St. Charles Borromeo (AAA) Point papers To Tell You the Whole Truth About the Church & the Holy Bible
Apologetic essays (AAA) Totus Tuus Ministries
A Protestant\\\\\\'s Guide to the Catholic Church (AAA+) Gary Hoge
American Catholic Truth Society (ABA) Catholic Apologetics organization
Catholic Truth Publications
Tools of the Trade CatholicSource (AAA)
Matt\\\\\\'s Catholic Apologetics Page (AAB+)
Pillar of Truth Ministries (B+, B+, A) Frank Jerry Dr. Art Sippo Mark Bonocore
The Catholic Legate John Pacheco
Apologists of St. Francis de Sales
Defending the Rock Lux Veritatus. Chris Mosmeyer, Janet E Smith, PhD, Fr Mitch Paqcwa, Fr Frank Pavone, et. al.
Caritas et Veritas (ABA)
Scriptural Cheat Sheat Christopher Wong
Catholics - What do they believe? Topics include: Mary, Purgatory, the Catholic Mass, Statues and Idolatry, Confession, the Pope, the Bible vs. the Church, Faith Alone, Baptism, Saints, Relics, Priests, and the Rosary.
*Catholic Truth Society Pamphlets (AAB+)
ABC\\\\\\'s of Faith (AAA-) One will find this apologetics site entertaining as well as informative.(Petersnet)
Apostolate for Catholic Truth (ABA-) Spreading the Catholic faith by proclaiming the truths of the Catholic Religion
Frank\\\\\\'s "Pillar of Truth" Catholic Apologetics (AAA-)
Sean´s Faith Web site (A,C,B+) Some excellent material on Mormonism, 7th Day Adventists, etc. etc.
Christian Think-Tank Over-dex of Objections Glenn Miller. Non-Catholic, but some excellent resources
Geocentrism (The earth is the center of the universe) Gary Hoge
*What does Catholic mean? A history of the word "Catholic" Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
*How My Parish Fought Off an Invasion by Rev. Edward C. Petty February 1995 issue of This Rock magazine
The Religion of the Plain Man by Father Robert Hugh Benson
Fast talking Anti-Catholics David Obeid Lumen Verum
A Tune-Up for Catholic Apologetic Methods by Greg Krehbiel
How to kill a convert Anthony English Lumen Verum
On Allowing "Rookie" Catholic Apologists to Boldly Proclaim the Faith ... & granting them the freedom to make mistakes
Second Exodus (AAA) Israelite Origins of the Catholic Faith
Saint Gabriel Communications Raymond DeSouza. tapes, books Free e-books (ie. celibacy, women priests etc)
*Scriptural Catholicism Steve Kellmeyer
Table of Contents
- Anti Catholicism
CATHOLIC LEAGUE for Religious and Civil Rights (AAA-)
Anti-Catholicism on the Internet By Robert P. Lockwood. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (AAA-)
Anti-Catholicism and the History of Catholic School Funding Catholic League (AAA-)
Anti-Catholicism Catholic Answers tracts
Examining Protestantism A Defense of the Holy Catholic Church examines the anti-Catholic creeds of some denominations
Refutation of Jack T. Chick tracts (AAA)
White Man Can’t Jump A Comprehensive Critique of James White’s book Mary: Another Redeemer? John Pacheco
*Links, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism Dave Armstrong\\\\\\'s website (archived copy. page was taken down)
Numerous links The Internet Padre (AAA+)
Anti-Catholic Forgeries Index (A,C,B+) Sean´s Faith Web site
Maria Monk Robert P. Lockwood Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., November/December 1996 reprinted on Peter\\\\\\'s Net
Anti Catholicism and the Know-Nothings St. Joseph Messenger (A,C,A+)
*("Bloody") Mary Tudor and the Protestants by D.G.M.Jackson M.A. 1954 (Book of Martyrs by John Foxe)
Charles Chiniquy?
*"American Anti-Catholicism and its literature."
Free the Fathers works to free Catholic Priests that are being held captive by the Chinese Government for practicing the Catholic Religion. Over the past few years Free The Fathers has acquired freedom for several Catholic Priests
The Cardinal Kung Foundation the persecution of the Church in Communist China and seeks to help
Red Chinese Hoax: Patriotic Church Mindszenty Report, November 1994
Table of Contents
- Development of Doctrine
The Development of Doctrine Biblical Evidence For Catholicism Numerous links on a misunderstood topic
An Essay on the Development of Doctrine Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman (alt)
Is Development Of Doctrine A Corruption Of Biblical Teaching? By Dave Armstrong Our Sunday Visitor
Table of Contents
- Doctrines:
-- Justification & Salvation
Justification & Salvation, articles & links Dave Armstrong Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAB+)
*The causes of Justification Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Justification: can one lose ones salvation? by Jim Seghers Totus Tuus Ministries (A,B,A)
*The Final Justification. Protestant interpretations excerpts from Robert Sungenis\\\\\\' book Not by Faith Alone Chapter 8. CAI
*Did Paul Teach Justification By Faith Alone? " " " Chapter 1 sample CAI
*When Was David Justified? Robert Sungenis "Not by Faith Alone" CAI
*Is Justification an Imputed or Infused Righteousness? Robert Sungenis "Not by Faith Alone" Capter 5 sample. CAI
Justification A transcript of a taped debate between Scott Hahn and Dr. Robert Knudson of Westminster Seminary
Salvation Past, Present, and Future James Akin
The Justifications of Abraham Justification is a once-for-all thing, as the case of Abraham shows . . . or is it? James Akin
Getting Justification Right By S. M. Hutchens, holds a Ph.D. in Theology from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Eternal Security: Critiquing a Sermon by Pastor Charles Stanley by Steve Ray
-- On the Existence of God & The Divinity of Christ
On the Proofs for the Existence of God of Saint Thomas Aquinas Thomistic Philosophy Page
How Do We Know That God Exists? St Thomas Aquinas provides us with five basic proofs for the existence of God
On the Existence of God St. Thomas Aquinas (3 articles) EWTN
The Argument from Pascal\\\\\\'s Wager By Peter Kreeft
The Problem Of Suffering Reconsidered By Peter Kreeft
The Problem of Evil By Peter Kreeft
The Divinity of Christ Catholic Answers God & Christ tracts
The Eternal Sonship of Christ Catholic Answers
Jesus Is God: Biblical Proofs Dave Armstrong
Jesus Christ - The Only Person Ever Pre-Announced an (excerpt from Chapter 1 of Life Of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen)
The Trinity Catholic Answers
The Trinity: Biblical Proofs Dave Armstrong
Confronting the Copy Cat Thesis J.P. Holding multi essay examination of idea that Christianity copied from pagan religions
The Resurrection And Divinity Of Christ Dr. Jeffrey Mirus, Ph.D.
Christ\\\\\\'s Divinity Proved by the JW Bible Joel S. Peters
Jesus Christ Faith Facts EWTN (AAA)
Table of Contents
-- Purgatory
Dave Armstrong\\\\\\'s links Biblical Evidence For Catholicism
Purgatory and praying to saints Real audio. Dr. Scott Hahn & Gus Lloyd Aired 11-04-99. Sons of Thunder radio
A Jewish perspective A Jewish Rabbi discusses the afterlife
Table of Contents
-- Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone) Articles & links Biblical Evidence For Catholicism - Dave Armstrong
The Authority Debate Dr. Scott Hahn\\\\\\'s opening remarks
The Bible & the Church: Both or Neither transcript of Dr. Scott Hahn \\\\\\'s audio & video tape series. (tape 4)
Sola Scriptura: A Blueprint for Anarchy (Patrick Madrid)
Practical Problems of Sola Scriptura (James Akin)
Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment (James Akin)
Sola Scriptura A Treatise Gary Hoge
*Oral Tradition in the New Testament by David Palm "This Rock" magazine. Jesus & the Apostles utilized oral traditions
Changing the dictionary to make the Bible "fit" pre-conceived doctrines
A Critique of Keith Mathison\\\\\\'s book: The Shape of Sola Scriptura Robert A. Sungenis, M.A. Ph.D. (cand).
Table of Contents
-- The Church
The Visible, Hierarchical, Apostolic Church (Biblical treatise by Dave Armstrong) 24K
God\\\\\\'s Church in Prophecy and Fulfillment Knights of Columbus (AAA)
The Church (links page) Biblical Evidence for Catholicism\\\\\\'s extensive list of pages & links
The Popes of the Church Catholic Community Forum
The Church & The Papacy tracts Catholic Answers
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth Catholic Answers (AAA) The Catholic Church -- founded by Jesus Christ
*The Church of the Apostles by K. D. Whitehead, "This Rock" magazine, Catholic Answers website
One True Church Catholic Truth Publications
Did Jesus Start a Church? Catholic Truth Publications
By What Authority? Simple Catholicism Fr. Phil Bloom
The Authority Debate Transcript of a taped debate between Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. Robert Knudson
Apostolic Succession Steve Kellmeyer
Apostolic Succession As viewed and understood by the early Christians Catholic Answers
Christ\\\\\\'s Body, The Church Steve Kellmeyer
How Old is Your Church? Catholic Truth Publications
- The Church is One Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
- The Church is Holy Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
- The Church is Catholic Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
- The Church is Apostolic Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
A New Apologetical Study of the Church by James Likoudis The Catholic Faith
The Splendor of the Church Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
The Necessity of Being Catholic Nazareth Resource Library (AAA) James Akin.
The Church in the New Testament adaptation of A. Valentim\\\\\\'s page, Church and Authority
Logic and the Foundations of Protestantism by Brian Harrison The Roman Theological Forum
The Catholic Church Faith Facts EWTN (AAA)
Recognizing the Church Thomas Howard
"Ancient Baptists" and Other Myths By Fr. Hugh Barbour, O.Praem.
How Newman Convinced me of the Apostolicity of the Catholic Church Dave Armstrong
Table of Contents
- Protestantism
Links, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism Dave Armstrong\\\\\\'s page
What Catholics and Protestants have in common audio. Dr. Scott Hahn & Gus Lloyd 2-11-98. Sons of Thunder radio
Table of Contents
-- other sects/cults
Seventh Day Adventism A false church exposed
Incredible Creed of the Jehovah\\\\\\'s Witnesses Rev. Dr. Rumble, M.S.C. EWTN
Watch the Tower Official web site of ex-Jehovah\\\\\\'s Witnesses (non-Catholic site)
Watchtower Information Service Links to articles at other sites
Freeminds.org Watchers of the Watchtower
Mind Control or Brainwashing? Understanding Mind Control Among Jehovah\\\\\\'s Witnesses by Randall Watters
A Brief Reply to Jehovah\\\\\\'s Witnesses by John F. McCarthy The Roman Theological Forum
In Search of "The Great Apostasy" (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormons) Patrick Madrid.
Inside a Mormon Temple Isaiah Bennett
From Mormon To Catholic Keith & Michelle Campbell. real audio. St. Joseph Radio
Catholic Apologetics (A,B,B+) by Steve Clifford a Mormon Convert
A Christian reflection on the “New Age†Pontifical Council for Culture Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
Theosophy, Zen, New Age - Important Documents for Understanding Authentic Spirituality The Cross and The Veil
Transcendental Meditation (A secular site)
The Basic Conflict Between Maharishi and Christianity His Eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of Manila
A Call to Vigilance (Pastoral Instruction on New Age) Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera
Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some Aspects of Christian Meditation Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith
Father Mitch Pacwa on Transcendental Meditation Real Audio
Joint Declaration Concerning the Moon Organization September 26, 1997
Sects & Cults (a secular site)
Cults and other users of mind control Fact.net (secular)
How to Determine if a Group is a Destructive Cult Fact.net
How does mind control work?: A technical overview of mind control tactics Fact.net
Koran (Quran) Browser STG group
Table of Contents
-Traditionalist/Schismatic/Sedavacantist "Catholic" Groups
Traditionalist & Schis | matic Catholics articles & links Biblical Evidence For Catholicism
Dialogue: The "Traditionalist" Disdain for the Second Vatican Council Dave Armstrong
To the Society of St. Pius X: "You can\\\\\\'t have it both ways!" Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln Nebraska. from "Christifidelis"
Ultra-Traditionalists Matt\\\\\\'s Catholic Apologetics Page (AAB+)
A Heretical Pope would govern the Church illicitly, but validly Roman Theological Forum (AAA)
Heresy, Schism and Apostasy - Definitions Colin Donovan
My Journey out of the Lefebvre Schism By Pete Vere, JCL/M (Canon Law) Envoy Magazine
*(Latin American) Lefebvre Catholics opt for full communion with Rome Fides, 1-18-02
Vatican II and its Authority by I. Shawn McElhinney
Table of Contents
Bible Links Apocrypha/deuterocanonicals, Choosing a Bible, Historicity of, History of, Online Bibles, Study of
-Online Bibles & related tool
The Bible Gateway
The Blue Letter Bible Project Eight Bible versions, concordances, dictionaries, Latin, interlinear Greek, Hebrew, Septuagint
New American Bible National Council of Catholic Bishops/US Catholic Conference
Douay-Rheims (Challoner version) searchable. under construction. annotations, references, historical & chronological index
ScripTours Online Douay-Rheims Bible Search by chapter & verse or browse each book
Catholic Douay-Rheims 1899 Free download. Searchable with maps. other languages & KJV also available
e-Sword Free Bible software Douay-Rheims (& various Protestant versions, dictionaries, etc) must download KJV first
Revised Standard Version Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha
Nova Vulgata The Vulagate in Latin. The Vatican edition of the Bible.
ECanon RSV, NRSV Online Search Engine for Canonical Texts
The Unbound Bible A Protestant site, but it has the only Douay-Rheims Bible that is fully searchable that I have found.
The Tyndale Bible (under construction)
Multi-Lingual Bibles ARTFL Project Latin Vulgate, King James English, Luther German, Louis Segond French
Slavic Bible
Interlinear Bible NAS & King James Version Crosswalk.com (Not a Catholic site). Interlinear with the Greek & Hebrew
Crosswalk.com Bible Study Tools (Not a Catholic site) Interlinear bibles, topical dictionaries, concordances, lexicons, etc.
Easton\\\\\\'s 1897 Bible Dictionary
Greek & Latin text tools & lexica Help in translating greek or latin to English & vice versa.
Other Links of biblical interest Biblical Studies on the Web
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies (not a Catholic site)
Sacred Scripture Links University of St. Mary of the Lake; Mundelein Seminary
-Choosing a Bible
Are all Bible Translations Equal? The Protestant Bias of the NIV Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Sacred Scripture & Sacred Tradition Articles & links Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
Approved Biblical Translations for Mass Readings Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Bible Translations Guide Catholic Answers
Uncomfortable Facts About The Douay-Rheims By James Akin
Table of Contents
-Deuterocanonical/"Apocryphal" books
The Complete Bible:Why Catholics Have Seven More Books Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Defending the Deuterocanonicals James Akin A brief history of the Deuterocanonical books ("Apocrypha")
Luther vs. the Canon of the Bible Dave Armstrong
Who has the correct Bible: Catholics or Protestants? Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Did the Catholic Church decide, or, are the New Testament Documents Self-Authenticating? Steve Ray " "
Objections regarding the "Apocryphya" Gary Hoge (AAA+)
The Books of the Old Testament includes a nice chart comparing Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant Bibles
Where We Got the Bible Real audio. Dr. Scott Hahn & Gus Lloyd Aired 2-18-98. Sons of Thunder radio
Questions for "Bible Christians" Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Writings Which the Catholic Church Decided to be the "Canon" of Scripture of the New Testament St. Charles Borromeo
Revised Protestant Version A tongue-in-cheek spoof. Gary Hoge, A Protestant\\\\\\'s Guide to the Catholic Church (AAA+)
See also... Sola Scriptura
-History of the Bible
The Bible: It\\\\\\'s Beginning, Development, Preservation St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
The Bible: Approximate Dates When The Books Were Written St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
The dates of the Gospels By George H. Duggan. Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Ignatius Press, May 1997
Dating the books of the New Testament - or - The Emporer\\\\\\'s New Clothes by Jim Seghers Totus Tuus Ministries (ABA)
The Catholic Bible (AAA)
See also Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books of the Bible
Origin of the Holy Bible CathoChic.com (ABA)
Where We Got the Bible, Our Debt to the Catholic Church by The Right Rev. Henry G Graham
Table of Contents
Study of the Bible, Biblical Inerrancy, Historicity
How to start a Parish Bible study Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Jesus was a Jew A key to fully understanding the Scriptures Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Bible Study St. Charles Borromeo, Picayune, Mississippi (AAA)
Ecumenical Bible Studies? Steve Ray
All Scripture Is Inspired By God: Medieval Exegesis and the Modern Christian by Mark Holtz
The Senses of Scripture Bob Stanley Catholic Information Goldmine (B,A,A)
Biblical Exegesis & The Senses of Scripture Catholic Encyclopedia
Whether in Holy Scripture a word may have several senses? St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica
Biblica a research journal published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome
On Bible "Errors" and "Contradictions": A Defense of the Inerrancy of Scripture Luke Wadel
12 Periods of Biblical History: Getting the Big Picture Notes & review of Jeff Cavins\\\\\\' study series, "The Great Adventure"
Christian \\\\\\'bias\\\\\\' in the NT Writers -- Does it render the NT unreliable...? Christian Think Tank (Not a Catholic Site)
The Structure of Genesis How many authors of Genesis? The California Institute for Ancient Studies. (Non-Catholic?)
How did all the animals fit on Noah\\\\\\'s Ark? Answers in Genesis Ministries (Non-Catholic?)
Figurative? Or Literal?! The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist Raymond de Souza, Lumen Verum
See also: Home Study
Providentissimus Deus Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII On the Study of Holy Scripture (11-18-1893)
Syllabus Condemning The Errors Of The Modernists Holy Roman & Universal Inquisition Under Pius X July 3, 1907
Spiritus Paraclitus (On St. Jerome) Pope Benedict XV 9-15-1920 to promote... assiduous and reverent study of the Bible
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum Second Vatican Council
Divino Afflante Spiritu (Divine Spirit) Pope Pius XII Condemns several errors of biblical criticism ...
The Historicity of the Gospels Instruction of the Pontifical Bible Commission
The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church Pontifical Biblical Commission March 18, 1994 (not a magisterial document)
The Holy Office Monitum On The Teaching Of Scripture The American Ecclesiastical Review. September 1961
Free From All Error: Authorship, inerrancy, historicity of Scripture, Church teaching, & modern Scripture scholars Fr Most
Crisis in Scripture Studies Fr Most
The Truth & Salvific Purpose of Sacred Scripture according to Dei Verbum, Article 11 Roman Theological Forum (AAA)
Pope Paul VI & the Truth of Sacred Scripture Roman Theological Forum " "
Bible Study - Neo-Patristic Approach Roman Theological Forum " "
Historical Criticism as a Critical Method Roman Theological Forum " "
Historical Criticism as a Historical Method Roman Theological Forum " "
Higher Criticism Has Gone Bankrupt By Valentine Long. Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Ignatius Press, October 1982
The Jesus Seminar Should Go Back to School James Akin. refutes the late dates of the scriptures & other errors
Christian \\\\\\'bias\\\\\\' in the NT Writers- Does it render the NT unreliable or inadmissible as evidence? Glenn Miller (non-Catholic)
A Catholic Understanding of Biblical Inerrancy Edward P. Sri. Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Books & Periodicals
Catholic Books, Authors & Cultural Heritage Dave Armstrong\\\\\\'s hyper-links. Loads of excellent on-line reading!
Catholic Books Online The Library
Catholic Classics online
Catholic Pages online literature
ForMinistry.com Bookshelves Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. (Not all are Catholic) St. Alphonsus, St. Athanasius, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, ... even Billy Graham, & John Calvin
ChristLife Library
Catholic First Online books etc. (AAA)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (non-Catholic, Calvin College) Many, many online books, classics
The Vatican Bookstore (AAA)Includes many official documents.
Tan Publishing (B,A,A) "...the largest publisher in the United States of orthodox Catholic books. This site is a joy to navigate making it easy to select and order books. We offer one caveat there are several books offered which lean in the dissident traditionalist direction and attack the Novus Ordo." Petersnet
Ignatius Press (AAA+) Good, orthodox books.
The Catholic Store Catholic Community Forum (AAA)
The Catholic Bookstore
Aquinas Books-Recommended Catholic Books for the Whole Family (AAB+)
Crossing the Threshold of Hope Pope John Paul II
Mother Theresa, in Memoriam Quotes of Mother Theresa EWTN
Padre Pio EWTN
The Imitation of Christ Thomas À Kempis, William C. Creasy version, Ave Maria Press
Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas
The Sinner\\\\\\'s Guide Venerable Louis of Granada., OP
The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Sienna
Liberalism is a Sin Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany "merits great praise for his exposition" Sacred Congregation Of the Index
The Spirit of Catholicism by Karl Adam
Classic Catholic Books
Book: Innocents Betrayed Human Life International. Population control victimizes third world countries
Bookmark Authors interviewed by Doug Keck. EWTN audio series
Apologist\\\\\\'s Bookshelf recommendations from Catholic Answers
Recommended reading James Akin
Recommended reading for Apologists Dr. Scott Hahn
Recommended reading for Biblical Study Dr. Scott Hahn
Recommended reading Catholic Community Forum
Recommended resources Jim Seeghers, Totus Tuus ministries
Catholic Software
Abebooks.com They will continue to look for out of print books for you until they find what you are looking for
Loome Theological Booksellers Specialists in secondhand & out-of-print scholarly books in philosophy, theology, religion,...
Tiber River book review site. Evaluates books for their orthodoxy to Catholic doctrine.
The Ordinary Path to Holiness Dr. Thomas Richard
A Biblical Defense of Catholicism & More by Dave Armstrong
Table of Contents
Be Free subscription Catholic Answers
Canticle (AAA+) "The voice of today\\\\\\'s Catholic woman" Excellent articles, Impressive list of writers (PN)
Catholic Analysis
Catholic Blogs (Weblogs) as compiled by Gerard Serafin
Catholic & Enjoying It Mark Shea\\\\\\'s Blog
Catholic Dossier Editor: Ralph McInerny
The Catholic Faith Magazine Editor: John O’Connell Managing Editor: Mark Brumley
Catholic Insight
The Catholic Medical Quarterly the Journal of the Guild of Catholic Doctors List of articles
Crisis Magazine Online (AAA-) Deal Hudson, editor
Crusader Tradition, Family & Property
Diocese Report
Domestic-Church.Com (AAA) The on-line magazine for Catholic families bringing the life of the Church into daily lives
Envoy Magazine Patrick Madrid, editor
First Things Fr. Richard John Newhaus Editor
Homiletic & Pastoral Review Fr. Kenneth Baker
Inside the Vatican
Journeyman A Journal for the Inquiring Christian Greg Krehbiel
Latin Mass Magazine
Lay Witness Catholics United for the Faith
Lumen Verum Catholic Apologetics Magazine
The Mindszenty Report
New Oxford Review
Our Sunday Visitor
Peter\\\\\\'s Voice
Saint Catherine Review (AAA)
The St. Joseph Messenger Aquinas Publishing for children. by subscription. sample articles
Soon Online Magazine
This Rock Karl Keating & Catholic Answers
To Jesus Through Mary
Traditional Catholic Reflections & Reports (AAA) Stephen Hand Editor
The Word Among Us Catholic Devotional Magazine Online
101 Foundation Promoting the Church approved apparitions at Akita, Japan
Index -- CICI Catholic Information Center. Catholic magazines, Diocesan newspapers online.
Catholic Periodicals Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAA)
Table of Contents
Canon Law
Canon Law 25th of January, 1983 A.D. with overview, glossary, concordances (Intra Text Edition)
Canon Law (A,B,A) Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Canon Law and its Interpretation Duane L.C.M. Galles EWTN
Canon Law Free download. (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Codex Iuris Canonici 1917 code of Canon Law in Latin Intra Text
Codex Iuris Canonici ( 1917) 1917 code of Canon Law in Latin
Codex Iuris Canonici ( 1917) Alternate
English translation of Code of Canon Law of 1917 by Dr. Edward Peters (for purchase)
Changes to Oriental and Latin Codes of Canon Law by reason of Ad tuendam fidem EWTN (AAA)
Ad Tuendam Fidem Pope John Paul II certain norms are inserted Canon Law & that of the Eastern Churches.
In the Light of the Law - A Canon Lawyer\\\\\\'s Blog Dr. Edward N. Peters
Canon Law Info info about content & operation of canon law in the Church assisting researchers in locating & assessing canonical materials, Dr. Edward N. Peters
*Canon Law at Josephinum Survey of Canon Law - CL 711 Fall 1999
*Canon Law Courses at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH
*Authentic Interpretations on the 1983 Code Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts
*Marriage in Theology and Canon Law Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH (Spring \\\\\\'00)
*Family in Difficult Cases Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH Fall 99
Codex Iuris Canonici (1917) 1917 Code of Canon Law in Latin
Canon Law article from The Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent (AAA)
The rights of the Laity A Thesis by Charles M. Wilson
Index of all files in the "Canon Law" Document Library EWTN
Canon Law Blog (Weblog) by canonist Pete Vere
Table of Contents
Catholic Community Forum Send a multi-media Holy Card, birthday card, Christmas Card etc.
Catholic Pages
Virtual Greeting Card Society of the Divine Word
St. Nicholas E-Cards
Table of Contents
Catechism of the Catholic Church Vatican. Search via the Table of Contents only.
Latin version The "official" version from which the vernacular languages are translated. Vatican.
NCCB/USCC U.S. Bishops (Table of Contents) Search
St. Charles Borromeo 1997 update (AAA)
Knights of Columbus 1997 update
1997 Corrections to the Catechism Changes to the English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church bringing it into harmony with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II on September 8, 1997. (Peters Net)
Christus Rex (D,A,B) Nice search engine, but is not the most current version (missing the 1997 updates)
Master Catechism Nazareth Resource Center A nice comparison of 5 historic catechisms, indexed and hyperlinked.
Unfortunately, it does not include the 1997 updates to the CCC, the most current version
- Index for all 5 Catechisms
-An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism (aka Baltimore Catechism 4)
- The Catechism of St. Pius X
- The Catechism of Trent aka The Roman Catechism, or the Catechism of Pius V
The Baltimore Catechism Read it online or download it Catholic Information Center (CIC)
Download 1994 Catechism Free DOS version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Basic Catholic Catechism by William G. Most
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine - More popularly known as the Penny Catechism
The Douay Catechism of 1649 by Henry Tuberville, D.D.
A Catechisme Laurence Vaux, B.D., the first Reformation era Catholic Catechism in English. published in 1567
The Catechetical Instructions of the Cure of Ars
The Great Catechism St. Gregory of Nyssa. Presupposes familiarity with classical philosophy. Moore-Wilson translation
The Great Catechism a summary St. Gregory of Nyssa. New Advent
St. Cyril\\\\\\'s Catechetical Lectures
My Catholic Faith A Manual Of Religion by the Most Reverend Louis Laravoire Morrow, S.T.D. Table of contents
Table of Contents
Church - Councils
Church Councils General Particular New Advent (AAA)
Church Councils EWTN
*Church Councils The Ecole Initiative General and Particular Councils
Catholic Biblical Apologetics (B,A,B+) brief descriptions: who attended, the crises or controversies, what was decided.
All Catholic Church Ecumenical Councils - All the Decrees
The Church: The 21 Ecumenical (General) Councils of the Church St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
Pope John XXIII - Address at the Opening of Vatican Council II - 11 October 1962
Vatican II Documents CIN
History & Documents of Church Councils Free download. Very good. (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Synod Catholic Encyclopedia
Table of Contents
Church Documents (encyclicals, etc.)
Papal documents EWTN library search
(encyclicals alphabetical list by English title) EWTN
(encyclicals alphabetical list by Latin title) New Advent
Papal Encyclicals Online (AAA)
*Documents of the Roman Catholic Church
*Encyclicals and Other Papal Documents
The Council of Trent The canons and decrees, Ed. and trans. J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848)
Vatican II Documents The Vatican. By Latin title
Vatican II Documents RCNet. By English title
Documents of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Vatican II Documents Free download (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Encyclicals, Apostolic Letters, Exhortations, Constitutions, homilies etc of our 9 most recent Popes. Vatican archives
Library: Personalized Catechesis, Magisterium, Church Fathers, Other documents Congregation for the Clergy, Holy See
Church documents on Catholic social teaching Office for Social Justice Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
See also Fathers of the Church
Table of Contents
Church History
History of the Church Eusebius of Cæsarea , Father of the Church. New Advent (AAA)
History of the Church CatholicSource (AAA) Many useful links for the study and research of the History of the Church
A History of the Church - To the Eve of the Reformation by Msgr. Phillip Hughes
A Church in Crisis: History of the General Councils: 325-1870 A.D. by Msgr. Phillip Hughes
Dates and Events in Catholic History, 1st Century to 10th Century The Catholic Almanac. Our Sunday Visitor
Chronology of Christianity (1AD-Present) Et Cum Spirtu Tuo (B,B,A-)
*Chronology of the Church -- Old Testament By Fr. Claudio J. Urbano
Connected Through the Ages A timeline EWTN
History of the Church RCNet. Many links
Historical event database . by Dr. Warren H. Carroll, Petersnet, searchable historical event database.
The United States Catholic Historical Society
Church History and Historical Theology
numerous links The Internet Padre (AAA+)
Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels Pontifical Biblical Commission, Vatican, April 21, 1964
Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Rennaissance Culture Library of Congress series on great libraries of the world
Tidbits of Church History in America St. Patrick\\\\\\'s Catholic Church in Washington, DC (AAA)
Effects of the French Revolution St. Joseph Messenger (ACA+)
Anti Catholicism and the Know-Nothings St. Joseph Messenger (ACA+)
Church History EWTN Document Library
The Church: Its Beginning, Success, Failures St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
Timeline of Church History
Illustration of the History of the Catholic Church (& the denominations that broke away) St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
The 21 Eastern Catholic Churches & their Rites St. Charles Borromeo (AAA) Adobe acrobat format (wait 4 load) GIF
Vatican Exhibit
Catholic History FTP Site Catholic Information Network downloads
Scrolls from the Dead Sea The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship. Library of Congress (not Catholic - nc)
Dead Sea Scrolls University of Pennsylvania course. texts, class notes etc. (nc)
Qumran links (nc)
Biography of Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus The Catholic Encyclopedia
Works by Josephus From the Perseus Project M.I.T.
Links in re: Josephus (not a Catholic site)
Papyrological info links non-Catholic
Eastern Christian Churches (B,A,A+) (Not a Catholic site) Info & history on Catholic & non-Catholic eastern Churches
The Christian Catacombs of Rome
The Other Shroud of Christ the Sudarium, the face cloth used in the burial of Christ, & its relationship to the Shroud of Turin
Shroud of Turin website (AAA) An examination of the evidence for the purported burial cloth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
Table of Contents
Church websites (official & semi-official)
The Vatican
The Vatican Observatory
Catholic Heirarchy.org search by diocese, bishop, country or event
National Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCC (ABA) Publications, film reviews, news etc.
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
U.S. Dioceses NCCB/USCC list
Catholic Church in North America (AAA) Current & historical info about the bishops & dioceses of North America +
Pennsylvania Catholic Conference Its goals are to witness spiritual values in public affairs and serve the statewide community
St. Louis Archdiocese Prayer & Faith Resources (ABA)
Lincoln Nebraska Diocese
Catholic Melkite Church
Franciscan Friars of Mary Immaculate
About The Roman Curia Catholic-pages.com (not an "official") the Congregations and Dicasteries set up as his "Ministries"
The Pope\\\\\\'s Team The Vatican\\\\\\'s Secretariat of State By Father J. Michael Miller, C.S.B. Peter\\\\\\'s Net
The Holy See EWTN (AAA) Addresses, descriptions etc. for Congregations, Tribunals, Institutions, etc.
Catholic-USA.com (B,A,A) Links to official &/or endorsed U.S. Catholic Websites (5,930 active links)
Institute on Religious Life "To support and promote the gift of consecrated life" info on various religious communities
Table of Contents
Converting, Converts & Reverts converts reverts
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Q&A - RCIA and Holy Saturday National Conference of Catholic Bishops
RCIA The process by which adults become Catholic Diocese of Oakland, CA
The R.C.I.A. Journey St. John RCIA
How to Become a Catholic Catholic Answers
Why be Catholic & How to join the Church Nazareth Resource Library (AAA) James Akin.
Answering the Call of Jesus Christ Real video. Archdiocese of St. Louis. or call for free video &/or info 888-758-5859
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Converts & Converting Kim\\\\\\'s Catholic Links
Association for Catechumenal Ministry (RCIA) an organization of Catholic clergy and lay people ... providing a communications, resource and education network for diocesan and parish personnel involved in the preparation of catechumens for initiation into the Catholic Church, of baptized Christians into the full communion of the Catholic Church, and of uncatechized Catholics for reception of Confirmation and First Eucharist. The Association s resources and work reflect its focus on the complementarity and indispensability of the various components (liturgical, pastoral, catechetical) of a comprehensive Christian Initiation process
RCIA a brief intro to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Coming Home Network
Remnant of Israel Mark Drogin, Executive Director phone: 1-888-352-7153 fax: (270) 325-3091 roi@scrtc.com
The Association of Hebrew Catholics
Friendly Hebrew Sons of St. Paul
At the Gate of Bliss Catholic Converts Information Page
The Journey Home Marcus Grodi and his special guests discuss their personal conversion stories.
--Upcoming guests --past shows
Table of Contents
Coming Home Network (ABA) Helping those interested in becoming Catholic. A special outreach to ministers & families
... Stories from those who have converted What brought us to the Catholic Church?
Great Converts Una Fides
Conversion & Converts page Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAA)
Index of witnesses Icthus
Rabbi Israel Zolli, the Chief Rabbi of Rome during the Nazi Holocaust. Petersnet article
Saint Edith Stein
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, by Herb Bass
From Judaism to Catholicism by Sue Sims
Protestant Minister Becomes Catholic Dr. Scott Hahn
Kimberly Hahn\\\\\\'s conversion story
Dr. Kenneth Howell former Presbyterian minister
"Teddy" Yew
Malcolm Muggeridge
Norma McCorvey Norma was "Roe" in the infamous "Roe vs Wade" case which legalized abortion
Dr Bernard Nathanson Co-founder of National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL).
The Ultimate Victory The Baptism Of An Abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson. by Chuck Colson. Breakpoint
Alex Jones Pastor and Flock Become Catholics This Easter National Catholic Register
Episcopal Priest Becomes Catholic Laywoman Linda Poindexter. (Admiral Poindexter\\\\\\'s wife) National Catholic Register
Dave Armstrong (another version) Webmaster Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
Kristine L. Franklin Kristine & her husband set out to win converts in Catholic Guatemala. Read their exciting story. (Envoy)
A Southern Baptist\\\\\\'s Journey into the Catholic Church by John David Young
Patty Patrick Bonds sister of Protestant apologist, James White
Recognizing the Church Thomas Howard
Table of Contents
Returning home
Prodigal daughter
*Our Story. John & Jennifer Maloney Faith of Our Fathers (B,A,A)
-Why Catholic? What makes the Catholic Church so special... Faith of Our Fathers (B,A,A)
Ex-catholic Christian fundamentalist (very anti-catholic)
Rick Ricciardi Catholic, Southern Baptist, miscellaneous Baptist, Pentecostal and finally Catholic again.
Table of Contents
Discussion Forums/Chat rooms
Catholic Community Forum (AAA) Catholic discussion forum on Apologetics, the Bible, Traditional Catholicism, Mary, Pro-Life, Saints, Doctrine & Canon Law, The Church in the World, Liturgy & Music, Misc.
Catholic Outlook (AAA+) Gary Hoge\\\\\\'s board
Your Catholic Message Board (ACB)
Defenders of the Faith (BAA+) Steve Ray\\\\\\'s site
CCF Chat room
Catholic Q&A EWTN "Ask the Experts"
Peter\\\\\\'s Voice e-mail list for faithful Catholics (& those interested in Catholicism) to discuss matters of the faith
Catholic Information Network (CIN) maillists (Archives) & subscription info
Table of Contents
"Open dissent is opposed to ecclesial communion and to a correct understanding of the heirachical constitution
of the People of God."- Pope John Paul II
It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a "good Catholic" and poses no obstacle to the reception of the sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the United States and elsewhere. - Pope John Paul II, Los Angeles, CA., Sept. 16, 1987
Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian (Donum veritatis) Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
On Reconciliation Within The Church Apostolic Exhortation Pope Paul VI
Magisterium Exercises Authority In Christ\\\\\\'s Name Pope John Paul II Address to CDF, November 24, 1995
New Vatican Norms On Theological Dissent Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)
Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity on Assuming an Office to be Exercised in the Name of the Church (CDF)
Doctrinal Commentary on the Concluding Formula of the Professio Fidei Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
- Summary of Categories of Belief in Professio Fidei Colin B Donovan EWTN
Pope tightens Canon Law against dissent Catholic World News
Grave error The Pope: dissent is an impediment to the sacraments Clear Light (B,A,A-)
On Reconciliation Within the Church Pope Paul VI Apostolic Exhortation
Dissent Section Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors (A,B,A)
Heresy Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Heresy, Schism and Apostasy - Definitions Colin Donovan Catholic Q&A EWTN "Ask the Experts"
American Catholics at the crossroads By Fr. Regis Scanlon. Homelitcs and Pastoral Review July 1997
Heresy, Schism and Apostasy EWTN frequently asked questions in the expert forums
Hunting the "Heresy Hunters" Brian W Harrison
The Syllabus (of errors) Pope Pius IX 1864
Syllabus Condemning The Errors Of The Modernists Holy Roman & Universal Inquisition Under Pius X July 3, 1907
On the Doctrine of the Modernists (Pascendi Dominici Gregis) Pope Pius X September 8, 1907
Catholic ~ in name only... Missionaries Under the Sun (A,B,A)
No, Canon 212 Does Not Grant An Imprimatur To Publish Irresponsible Opinions By Pete Vere, JCL
Where Does Disagreement End and Disobedience Begin? Christifidelis, St. Joseph Foundation
Theological Liberalism and Modernism (and "Dead" and "Nominal" Catholics) Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
Conscience, The Catholic Church\\\\\\'s (& Newman\\\\\\'s) View Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
John Paul II and Newman on Conscience Lecture VIII: Introduction to Sexual Ethics Professor Janet E. Smith
The CTSA: A theological wasteland +Bernard Cardinal Law, Archbishop of Boston, June 18, 1997
Newspeak vs. TrueSpeak Icthus (AAB+)
Dissent Poisons Fr. John Corapi Les Femmes, The Women of Truth
NCCB report Concerning the Catholic Theological Society of America Report on the Ordination of Women
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: an Exercise of Infallibility by Jeffrey Mirus
Ordination, Equality, and Natural Law by James Flynn, The Catholic Thing
Why Women Can Never Be Priests Fr. Bloom
*A Kingdom of Priests Faith of Our Fathers (BAA) John & Jennifer Maloney
*The Rebellion of Korah How not to deal with questions of authority Faith of Our Fathers (BAA). John & Jennifer Maloney
The Male Priesthood John Pacheco
Women Priestesses Why Not? Saint Gabriel Communications
Addresses of Church leaders If all else fails, contacts to report serious problems & abuses
* "How I Wrecked the IHM Nuns" Interview of Dr. William R. Coulson, The story of a repentant psychologist
Carl Rogers & the IHM Nuns Culture Wars
Ex-Jesuit\\\\\\'s book links dissident Theologians to Homosexual Movement By Paul Likoudis
Sister Hell The Church\\\\\\'s dissenters countenance no dissent from their views.
Fr. Gruner and His Media Apostolates Colin B. Donovan, STL Catholic Q&A EWTN "Ask the Experts"
Should I obey? Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Obedience School Presentation Ministries (AAA-)
Crisis - Conscience and Authority By Rev. Cormac Burke 1974. Catholic Truth Society
*Crisis - Conscience and Truth By Rev. Cormac Burke 1974. Catholic Truth Society
Warning Regarding the Writing of Father Teilhard de Chardin Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
The Theology of the late Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J. Frits Albers Ph.B Marian Academy of the Immaculate Conception
\\\\\\'Catholics for Free Choice\\\\\\' and Where They Get Their Money CatholicCitizens.org
Traditional Catholic Reflections and Report (AAA)
Defenders of the Magisterium (ABA)
Papal Errors in the Ordinary Magisterium? By Regis Scanlon in re the licitness of sexual pleasure in matrimony
*So why are we Catholic? (because Scripture condemns denominationalism) John & Jennifer Maloney Faith of Our Fathers
See also: Traditionalist/Schismatic/Sedavacantist Groups
Table of Contents
Eastern Rites & Eastern Orthodoxy
From East to West Introducing the West to the Treasures of Eastern Catholicism. Anthony T Dragani
The Eastern Rite Churches Knights of Columbus (AAA)
Eastern Orthodoxy Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA) Numerous articles & links
Byzantines.net Your link to Byzantine Catholics on the net. Includes "A walk through the Divine Liturgy" & much else!
Byzantine Catholic Church in America
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom online video Byzantine Catholic.
Eastern Orthodoxy Catholic Answers
Understanding the Eastern Christian Churches By John M. Samaha
Our Relations with the Orthodox Knights of Columbus (AAA)
Evangelicals Who Journey East Rev. Ray Ryland April 1995 issue of This Rock magazine
Table of Contents
Ecumenism & Evangelization
Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio) the Second Vatican Council
Ut Unum Sint (on Commitment to Ecumenism) Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father John Paul II 5-25-95
Ecumenism & Salvation outside the Church Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
Dominus Iesus On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church CDF
Sphaira A Catholic website devoted to ecumenism and Christian unity
Redemptoris Missio (On the Permanent Validity of the Church\\\\\\'s Missionary Mandate) John Paul II
Directory for the Application of Principles & Norms on Ecumenism Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Homily at St. Paul-Outside-the-Walls Pope John Paul II on ecumenism & evangelization
At the Beginning of the Third Millennium Novo Millennio Ineunte Pope John Paul II
Missionary Activity Pope John Paul II, May 10, 1995
Evangelization in the Modern World Evangelii Nuntiandi Pope Paul VI
On Reconciliation Within The Church Apostolic Exhortation Pope Paul VI
12 Painless Ways to Evangelize Catholic Answers
Evangelicals & Catholics Together First Things collection of articles
The Necessity of Being Catholic by James Akin
(Latin American) Lefebvre Catholics opt for full communion with Rome Fides, 1-18-02
Evangelizing in a "Post Pagan" Culture by Fr. Anthony Mastroeni Catholic Information Center (C,A,A)
Second Exodus Marty Barrack Evangelizing: Jews Catholics Protestants Muslims Atheists Freemasons Liberals New Age
... How Catholics See Jews Proselytize vs Evangelize
Jewish-Christian Relations Not a Catholic site
Suggesting Catholic books for your public library Tips & tricks
Door-to-Door with the Legion of Mary by Robert H. Nyssen
Table of Contents
Education & Home Schooling
"One of the greatest rights of the faithful is to receive the word of God in its purity and integrity as guaranteed by the Magisterium of the universal Church: the authentic Magisterium of the bishops of the Catholic Church teaching in union with the Pope & The Holy Spirit is active in enlightening the minds of his faithful with his truth and in inflaming their hearts with his love.But these insights of faith and this sensus fidelium are not independent of the Magisterium of the Church, which is an instrument of the same Holy Spirit and is assisted by him." John Paul II, "An address to the U.S. Bishops", 1979.
The rights and duties of parents (from the Catechism)
Outlines for sex education Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education
Ex Corde Ecclesiae (On Catholic Universities) Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II (alt)
Declaration on Christian Education Second Vatican Council EWTN (AAA)
Encyclical on Christian Education His Holiness Pope Pius XI New Advent (AAA)
Immaculate Heart (AAA)
Ex Corde Ecclesiae: A Brief Look At Its Canonical Implications The Wanderer.
Ad Tuendam Fidem Pope John Paul II Profession of Faith for those teaching Catholic theology. New "teeth" in canon law
The Mandatum Debuts by Brian McGuire. National Catholic Register
Guidelines Concerning the Academic Mandatum in Catholic Universities (Canon 812) U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mandatum.org A lay group attempting to track which theologians have (or applied for) mandatums & those rejecting them
Why Catholic colleges should worry (about losing accreditation) Msgr. George P. Graham
The Battle for the Catholic Campus Msgr. George A. Kelly
On-Line Resources to further enable the Continued Renewal of Catholic Higher Education Mandatum.org
Souls & Bodies Christendom College Commencement Address, May 14, 1989 Fr. George W. Rutler
Catholic Catechist a free online curriculum support service to help catechists find resources & ideas to use in lesson planning
Favorite resources for Catholic Homeschoolers (AAA) "an extensive informational website (over 100 searchable pages) ...written by and for Catholic homeschoolers. edited by a homeschooled-homeschooling mom
Angelicum Academy (AAB+) Homeschooling resources
Homeschooling Today
Home School Legal Defense Association (not Catholic) Info & help in re: legal issues for homeschoolers
T.O.R.C.H. Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes A support group for Catholic homeschoolers
Homeschool Treasures (A,C,B)
Aquinas Homeschool Books (AAA) over 1,000 carefully chosen discounted books for Catholic homeschoolers (new/used)
Little Flower Homeschool (A,C,A-) Resources aimed primarily at pre-school age children.
Thank Evann Homeschool goodies (AAA)
Our Lady of Victory School Traditional Catholic Home Schooling
Catholic Educators Resource Center (AAA) library of journal articles, essays, book excerpts, and other texts
Catholic Parents OnLine (AAA-) working with Catholic schools &... to ensure the authentic teaching of our Catholic Faith
Sex-ed in Catholic Schools Conservative Catholic (AAA-)
The Dewey Legend in American Education Fr John A Hardon, S.J. details problems associated with Dewey\\\\\\'s system
Friendly Defenders Flash Cards 50 flash cards for teaching the faith for sale
Lord of History card game teaching Catholic history. for sale
National Catholic College Admission Association "Find the perfect Catholic College for you" Caution, a tendency to dissent
International Catholic University Free online courses & lectures! Theology & Philosophy courses for credit, also available
Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH
Christendom College (A,D,A+)
Thomas Aquinas College (A,C,A+)
Catholic Distance University (A,D,A-)
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas "Angelicum" Rome (A,D,A)
Focus University campus ministry - featuring Bible studies, discipleship, leadership, fellowship
Recommended Catholic Colleges Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Catholic Home School Network of America (ACA-)
Seton Home Study School (A,B,B+) "the largest, most comprehensive Catholic home schooling organization in the US"
Table of Contents
Entertainment & Multimedia
EWTN audio & video -- live & archived
Radix presents the Catholic faith in a clear and enthusiastic manner, using means such as drama, music, comedy and history.
The St. Philomena Foundation a Roman-Catholic, not-for-profit apostolate, dedicated to providing people all across the United States and Canada, the best Catholic music recordings available and doing so absolutely FREE. Free Music by Simonetta
Nick Alexander A Time to Laugh Thoroughly orthodox musical parody. Excellent for entertainment or evangelization
Karl Kohlhase debut CD Through the Dark: Listen online or FREE CD--shipping and all--but there are a few catches:
Kephas Richard Gonzalez
Catholic Jukebox EWTN Listen to quality Christian songs
Catholic Hymns Midi Jukebox Catholic Community Forum
Joyful Noise - Catholic Jukebox
Catholic Music Network
OmegaRock pop-rock Christian music with an evangelization of Catholicism through faith and moral scenarios
Christian MIDI Archive Zeitun-eg.org
Christian Radio Station and Tuner Zeitun-eg.org
Catholic Radio Access:
St. Joseph Radio (A,B,B) S/W, AM/FM , listen live or to archived programs Excellent! Catologue of books & tapes
Catholic Answers Live
Audio Video Jukebox of apologetics related materials
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Real audio Catholic Apologetics International
Accuracy in Media
Movie reviews United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
"The Fifty Best Catholic Movies of All Time" Boeing Catholics
Catholic Film Review (AAA+)
Free Real Player (for listening over the internet)
Table of Contents
Fathers of the Church
Fathers of the Church (alphabetical) New Advent
Fathers of the Church (organized by doctrine) Corunum Apologetic Website, by Joe Gallegos (AAA)
-» A Primer on the Church Fathers ibid. (Joe Gallegos)
Church Fathers Congregation for the Clergy, Holy See
An introduction to the Greatest Fathers of the Church Lumen Verum
St. Polycarp & St. Iraneaus in re: the Catholic Church as the only true "Bible Church."
Download The Complete Early Church Fathers 37-volume Collection in WinHelp Format. - the first 800 years of the Church
Download The Complete Early Church Fathers 37-volume Collection in HTML Help Format by Graham Ranson 58.3MB
Early Church Fathers Collection Selected writings of the early Church Fathers (The Holy Bible Web site -Zeitun.org)
Writings of the Early Church Fathers Crosswalk.com (Not a Catholic site)
Early Church Fathers Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Not Catholic)
*Writings of the Church Fathers/Doctors/Saints
Patrologia Latina Database from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. by subscription or trial
What the Fathers Say: The Primacy of Peter James Akin. This Rock
Church Fathers on Divorce and the Indissolubility of Marriage Australian Catholic University
Unanimous Consent of The Fathers Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Table of Contents
Home Study
Catholic Home Study Service (Free) Courses:
1). We Believe... A survey of the Catholic Faith,
2). A Catholic Guide to the Bible
3). The Privilege of Being Catholic
4). The Catechism Handbook
5). Christ\\\\\\'s Mother and Ours
6). Surprised by Truth
International Catholic University Free online courses & lectures! Theology & Philosophy courses for credit, also available
Jacques Maritain Center University of Notre Dame Ralph McInerny founder
At Home with the Word Free Bible Study, by Dr. Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Mark Shea, & Gayle Somers
Scripture Study, online Roman Theological Forum (AAA)
Bible Basics Envoy articles by Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Institute for Pastoral Theology Ave Maria University theological formation for those engaged in ecclesial service
Table of Contents
Liturgy, Art & Architecture
Inaestimabile Donum Instruction Concerning Worship Of The Eucharistic Mystery Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship
Sacrosanctum Concilium Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Second Vatican Council
Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani 2,000 The "new" General Instruction of the Roman Missal (Latin Text) NCCB/USCC
GIRM (General Instruction on the Roman Missal) EWTN Library
GIRM (Holy Thursday, 2000 revision) National Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCC
Adaptations of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, editio typica tertia for the Dioceses of the USA
Function of the Deacon - GIRM Deacons Net
Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy Guidelines. Congregatoin for Divine Worship & the Discipline of the Sacraments
Liturgical Laws - Why They Matter frequently asked questions. EWTN Answered by Colin B. Donovan, STL
Liturgy, Discipline and Governance: Is There Private Interpretation? FAQ EWTN answered by Colin B. Donovan, STL
Norms for Distributing & Receiving Communion Under Both Kinds US Conference of Catholic Bishops/ Latin-Rite
Liturgiam Authenticam: On the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy
Father Stravinskas: New Liturgy Document Vindicates Critics National Catholic Register
Lost in Translation: How the New Mass Translation Will Affect You by John Burger
NCCB/USCC (A,B,A) US Bishop\\\\\\'s Committee on the Liturgy
-- Download Liturgical Calendar" " " " " " " " "
The Catholic Liturgical Library (AAA+) features almost 50 of the most important liturgical documents, 150 reference articles, samples of polyphony and chant, a comprehensive section concerning Church liturgical law, Timeline of Liturgical Development and a site search engine.
Adoremus (AAA) promotes authentic reforms of the liturgy of the Roman Rite according to the intention of the Second Vatican Council as expressed in its decree on the liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium
Ecclesia Dei Information on the Traditional Latin Mass. Loyal to the Magisterium
Credo An organization of Catholic priests dedicated to the faithful translation of the liturgy.
Society of Saint John Cantius a Catholic religious community of men dedicated to a restoration of the sacred ...
The online Revised Common Lectionary
Approved Biblical Translations for Mass Readings Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
The St. Joseph Foundation
Canadian Catholics Information Network Articles & Documents
Liturgical Environs (Resources)
On The Power, Misuse & Neglect Of Liturgical Symbolism New Oxford Review. Noel J. Augustyn addresses the problems arising from the desire to make the Catholic Church relevant to the modern world
Paths to Rome: Washing of Feet on Holy Thursday Fr. Jerry Pokorsky. Adoremus March 1997
The New Liturgical Movement A Catholic Page for Lovers (AAB+) Articles & links by Gerard Serafin
Liturgical Studies and Liturgical Music College of St. Benedict + St. John\\\\\\'s University
Coalition in support of Ecclesia Dei Source of information concerning the implementation of the Latin Mass
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest info on a community of priests dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass
Latin Liturgy Association promotes the use of Latin in the liturgy of the Church
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter A community of priests dedicated to the Latin Mass
-- What does it mean to be a priest? " " "
An Interlinear Translation for the Tridentine Latin Mass Rick Kephart (English words underneath their Latin counterparts)
The Traditional Latin Mass
Liturgica.com History, development, books, & music about liturgical worship
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Treasury of Latin Prayers) (AAA) Latin prayers, English translations, brief commentaries
Vatican related art, tours Christopher Wong page
Patron of the Arts Vatican
Vatican Art (AAA+)
Clipart Hermanolean Mary, Jesus, the Eucharist etc. color black & white
Catholic Webatorium (AAA) Nice site with a lot of sacred art Mary, Stations of the Cross, Way of the Cross, O.T., N.T
The Renovation Manipulation by Michael Rose (AAA) Book description, resources for fighting destructive renovations
Architecture, What Makes it Gothic? St. Joseph Messenger (A,C,A+)
Icons downloadable for personal use only
Online tour of the Sistene Chapel (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Vatican Museums (D,A,B) Christus Rex
Holy Mass and Liturgy Frequently asked Questions in the EWTN Experts Forum
Table of Contents
Marriage & Family Annulments, cohabitation, contraception vs NFP (& infertility), homosexuality, porn, secular sites pedophilia
See also: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
John Paul II\\\\\\'s Theology of the Body Christopher West. Catholic Educator\\\\\\'s Resource Center
Outlines for sex education Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education
The Nuptial Significance of the Body by Donald DeMarco, Ph.D.
Familiaris Consortio (The Christian Family) Pope John Paul II On the Christian Family in the Modern World (mirror)
Charter of the Rights of the Family. Presented by the Holy See on October 22, 1983 mirror site (EWTN)
*Marriage in Theology and Canon Law Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH (Spring \\\\\\'00)
Women for Faith & Family (AAA+) Helen Hull Hitchcock
Canticle (AAA+) "The voice of today\\\\\\'s Catholic woman" Excellent articles, Impressive list of writers (PN)
Dads.org Steve Woods
- Courtship resources
- Help for those struggling with pornography
- Help for hurting marriages
- Resources
Apostolate for Family Consecration (A,C,A) Family Land Website
The Rock of Inspiration "A Catholic Ministry for Young Adults"
YM Central (AAA) Catholic Youth Ministry
Christ and the Church: A Model for Marriage Dr. Scott Hahn. taped transcripts
The Holy Family: A Model for the Catholic Home Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
The Living Sacrament: Marriage Mother Angelica , EWTN
Mixed Marriages the Application of Principles & Norms on Ecumenism Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Psychologist Urges Disciplined Approach To Discipline Dr. Ray Guarendi (A,C,A+)
"The Doctor is In" Dr. Ray Guarendi & Dr. Coleen Mast. Catholic Answers real audio
Parenting Tips Dr. Ray Guarendi
Sex Respect Abstinence Education Program Dr. Coleen Mast
What Canon Law Taught Me about Teen Dating by Pete Vere
Catholic Psychology International Resource Network
Wolf In Kid\\\\\\'s Clothing troubling moral and spiritual trends found in the recent crop of Disney animated features
St. Dymphna\\\\\\'s Place of Peace for Catholics who have anxiety disorders and depression
Family Life Center International (AAA+)
Domestic-Church.Com (AAA) on-line magazine for Catholic families
Family Life Society
Working in Faith.org bringing you resources, support, & knowledge to help you live your faith more fully in the workplace
Kids links
St. Joseph Messenger (A,C,A+) A monthly reader designed to help young Catholics to understand the Catholic Church...
The Couple to Couple League (AAA)
Think Chastity (AAA)
Chastity..... Abstinence .... and Dating!!! (A,B,A)
Pure Love Jason Everett. Catholic Answers
I Kissed Dating Goodby A summary of Josh Davis\\\\\\' book
Introduction to Sexual Ethics Janet E. Smith, professor of philosophy at the University of Dallas International Catholic Univ.
Natural Law and Sexual Ethics by Janet E. Smith " "
Children: the Supreme Gift of Marriage The dysfunctionality of modern thought. by Janet E. Smith
Catholic Parents OnLine (AAA-) working with Catholic schools &... to ensure the authentic teaching of our Catholic Faith
Parenting: A School of Virtue by Janet E. Smith
Love Matters.com provides great information for teens about love, dating, and relationships... all from a Catholic perspective
Courtship Talks (as differentiated from "dating") in Real Audio format
Catholic Youth Foundation (A,B,A-) A non-profit, Catholic lay apostolate providing free resources for youth ministry. (PN)
Teen STAR Program Sexuality Teaching in the context of Adult Responsibility
Catholic Kids net It helps kids (5-12) fulfill their baptismal commitment to Know Jesus, Love Jesus, and Share Jesus!
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (A,C,A) designed to serve the needs of UN delegates, NGOs etc
Cistercian Librarian\\\\\\'s links for parents
A Biblical Study on divorce & remarriage (Not a Catholic site) Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D., Andrews University
Non-Catholic Weddings, should I attend? Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
St. Raphael Catholic Singles Network (AAA+) Emphasis on being solidly Catholic, 8 monitored message forums, etc.
Single Catholics Online (A,D,A-) To provide a "meeting place" for Catholics who love their faith and the Church,
Ave Maria Single Catholics Online (A,B,A+) A forum for committed Catholics to meet and come to know one another
CatholicSingles.COM (A,B,A) The largest and the 1st such site, but it doesn\\\\\\'t emphasize the "Catholicity" of a person (PN)
Infertile and Catholic
Shrine of the Holy Innocents in Memory of the Children Who have died Unborn. enroll children in the "book of life"
Christian Nanny.com A database for nannies & families looking for nannies. With valuable links, background checks etc.
Geneological Research Guide (AAA) Local Catholic Church & Family History
Mothering With Grace
Breastfeeding and the Catholic Faith by Carol Dombrovski
Papal Statement on Breastfeeding
101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child ProMom (not Catholic)
Breastfeeding Information La Leche League International
"Attachment Parenting" Dr. Sears (not Catholic?)
Love First: Intervention for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Jeff Jay & Debra Jay
Introduction to Sexual Ethics, Janet E. Smith International Catholic University
Table of Contents
- Annulments
The Catholic Teaching on Annulment Knights of Columbus (AAA) What is an annulment? reasons for one, procedures.
On Marriage and annulments
The annulment process Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Annulment/Decree of Nullity Colin B. Donovan, STL; EWTN Frequently asked questions in the expert forums
Nullity of Marriage Frank Sheed
Determining Grounds of Nullity
Matrimony, the sacrament
Before Calling the Tribunal Reverend Arthur J. Espelage, O.F.M. A brief, understandable guide to the tribunal process
Other Sacraments can also be Declared Null Rev Michael Smith Foster, J.C.D. Assoc Judicial Vicar Archdiocese of Boston
Not Even the Pope Can Undo A Marriage John Paul II Confirms Indissolubility in Face of "Divorce" Mentality. Zenit
Annulments in America by Edward Peters canon lawyer
Annulments in America: Rebutting a rebuttal By Robert H. Vasoli Homiletic & Pastoral Review April 1998 Issue, p.16-28
Marriage Annulment is not Privilege of Wealthy 80% of Roman Rota Sentences Have Been Free. Zenit
Dialogue - Annulment vs. Divorce by Dave Armstrong
Annulments and Divorce Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAA)
The end of the annulment explosion by Clarence J. Hettinger
"Creative" Avenues to Remarriage After Divorce by Clarence J. Hettinger EWTN (AAA)
Explaining an Annulment Fr. William Saunders May 16, 1996 issue of "The Arlington Catholic Herald."
Happy marriages & unhappy divorces Mona Charen unhappy couples are happier if they stay together rather than divorce
Is There a Second Chance in Marriage? Rev. Fr. Edmund Dunne C.SS.R Family Life Society
Marriage and divorce AmericanValues.org
Does Divorce Make People Happy? Findings from a Study of Unhappy Marriages
Table of Contents
- Cohabitation
Family, Marriage and and De Facto Unions Pontifical Council for the Family. November 21, 2000
Marriage Preparation and Cohabiting Couples U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Cohabitation Before Marriage Kansas Bishops Origens 6-4-94
Pennsylvania Bishops Document on Cohabitation Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, September \\\\\\'99. Pennsylvania Bishops
A Pastoral Letter On Cohabitation Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan. Our Sunday Visitor , Inc., November 2000
Parents And Their Cohabiting Children Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin. Our Sunday Visitor , Inc., November 2000
Cohabitation: Response Over Reaction By Barbara Markey, N.D. Our Sunday Visitor , Inc., November 2000
\\\\\\'Missing The Mark\\\\\\' On Cohabitation By John S. Bonnici Our Sunday Visitor , Inc., November 2000
Cohabitation Fails As A Test For Marriage Andrew R. Baker. Mirror site @ Homiletic and Pastoral Review . May, 2000
Table of Contents
- Contraception/Natural Family Planning (NFP)/Infertility
Humanae Vitae (On The Regulation Of Birth) Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul VI as Prophet Have Humanae Vitae\\\\\\'s Bold Predictions Come True? by Professor Janet E. Smith
Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later by Professor Janet E Smith
Casti Connubii (On Christian Marriage) Pope Pius XI
Contraception: Fatal to the Faith Father John Hardon
Contraception: Why Not? Professor Janet E Smith
The Ex Cathedra Status of the Encyclical "Humanae Vitae" Brian W. Harrison, O.S.
The Sin of Onan Revisited by Brian W. Harrison. The Biblical case against artificial birth control
Coitus Interuptus - Satan\\\\\\'s Big Contraceptive Lie by John Pacheco
The History of Contraception Teachings Fr. William Saunders
*Church History and Birth Control quotes from Church Fathers & early Protestant leaders (ie. Calvin & Luther)
Is Contraception Gravely Sinful Matter? Fr Lino Ciccone, C.M. Professor of Moral Theology Lugano, Switzerland
Natural Family Planning US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Pope Paul VI Institute "An International Center for the Study of Morally & Professionally Acceptable Reproductive Health Services" utilizing the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System & NaProTECHNOLOGY
The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning The morally acceptable alternative to artificial birth control
World Organization Ovulation Method Billings (WOOMB)
American Academy of Natural Family Planning *An effective approach to infertility Links page
Natural Family Planning Outreach Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Find an NFP Teacher or resources in your area One More Soul
The Couple to To Couple League
*Natural Family Planning Page several methods for spacing, postponing, avoiding or enhancing possibilities of conception
Achieving Pregnancy: Ten Tips for Men by Matthew S Lief, MD
US funding of scandalous population control programs worldwide HLI Ireland
What Does The Church Teach About Birth Control? c 1981 The Couple to Couple League International Inc (AAA)
The Connection between Contraception and Abortion by Professor Janet E. Smith
"The Best Kept (ugly little) Secret in America" by David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
Barnyard Morality by Professor Janet E. Smith
*The Pill and Sex: Risks to Health and Fertility A Basic Guide for Parents and Teenagers
Contraception: from freedom to failure to fiasco
Contraceptive Pills Abortifacient HLI Ireland
The Pill: Abortifacient or Contraceptive? A Literature Review. Nicholas Tonti-Filippini, BA, MA, Linacre Quarterly 2-\\\\\\'95
Contraception The (Church) Fathers Know Best "This Rock" Magazine
The contraception/abortion breast cancer link Tim Drake
Contraception and Chastity by G. E. M. Anscombe 1977
Protestants against birth control Pro-Life Wisconsin
Silent Abortions From a pamphlet published by Lutherans for Life [Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod], Illinois-Indiana
The History of Planned Parenthood by Mike Perry
The Planned Parenthood Files
Planned Parenthood\\\\\\'s Racism
Introduction to Eugenics by John Cavanaugh-O\\\\\\'Keefe
The X Files: Xenophobia
Eugenics Watch
The Repackaging of Margaret Sanger The Wall Street Journal, May 5, 1997
Who was Margaret Sanger? American Life League
Family planning: population control in drag by David Morrison
Overheated Population Activity in Japan Fr. Anthony Zimmerman\\\\\\'s Books and Articles (AAA)
Breeding Better Citizens 20/20 report on forced sterilizations in the U.S.
The Depopulation Bomb Citizen Magazine. Focus on the Family. Poor people around the world are being pushed into sterilization and gruesome fertility experiments--and you\\\\\\'re paying for it.
The Gift Foundation.org Tapes & information on chastity vs. contraception
Population Research Institute pregnancy vaccines
Baby-Killing Vaccine: is it Being Stealth Tested? by James A. Miller
Table of Contents
- Homosexuality
Homosexuality and Hope Statement of the Catholic Medical Association
NARTH National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality Clinical & ethical issues
Understanding the Lesbian Client By Andria L. Sigler-Smalz, Clinical Pastoral Counselor
Courage Vatican approved apostolate, ministering to those with homosexual tendencies & their families.
People Can Change! Men who have "come out" of homosexuality showing others the way.
Exodus International Interdenominational Christian organization ministering to those affected by homosexuality
Same Sex Attraction Morality League (A,C,A-) promotion of morality, chastity, respect, compassion, and sensitivity
Introduction to Sexual Ethics - Homosexuality, Janet E. Smith. International Catholic University
Crafting Bi./Homosexual Youth Judith A Reisman
Homosexuality Issue Catholic Dossier
Ex-Gay UK.org
The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality Family Research Council
Table of Contents
The A.P.A. Normalization of Homosexuality, and the Research Study of Irving Bieber NARTH
The APAs: \\\\\\'Academic Pedophile Advocates\\\\\\' Dr. Judith Reisman WorldNetDaily.com
The Problem of Pedophilia NARTH
On the Pedophilia Issue: What the APA Should Have Known By Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. and Dale O\\\\\\'Leary NARTH
Child Predators Exposing the partnership between the abortion industry & child predators. By Mark Crutcher
Table of Contents
Morality in Media The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Families, Children, & Society
Virtual Unfaithfulness: Pornography use in a marriage
Fatal Addiction Serial killer, Ted Bundy\\\\\\'s death row interview with Dr James Dobson on the role of pornography in his life
Porno, part of a well-rounded education? By Judith Reisman, Ph.D., and Eunice Van Winkle Ray WorldNetDaily.com
Safe Surf Internet rating system capable of denying access to adult sites (violence, pornography)
Help for those struggling with pornography
The Psychopharmacology of Pictorial Pornography: Restructuring Brain, Mind, Memory & Subverting Freedom of Speech
Secular or non-Catholic sources:
Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly
Focus on the Family Dr. James Dobson
Brio A Focus on the Family website for teenage girls (Non-Catholic)
Family Life Today Dennis Rainey
Concerned Women for America Beverly LaHaye
Break Point Chuck Colson Dealing with Pornography and Sexual Disorders
Crown Financial Ministries (was) Christian Financial Concepts. Larry Burkett
Family Research Council
Table of Contents
EWTN (teaching frames) Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
Munificentissumus Deus Pope Pius XII (Defining "ex cathedra" the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin)
The Assumption of Mary: A Belief Since Apostolic Times Father Clifford Stevens
The Blessed Virgin Mary Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAB+) , Dave Armstrong. numerous links
Mary in the writings of the early Church Fathers Joe Gallegos, Corunum
Mary as the Ark of the Covenant Dr. Scott Hahn . transcripts of a talk
Marian Material Patron Saints Index
The Mary Page (C,A,A) This site has much to offer about Our Lady however
...there appears to be a slight taint of radical feminism so we recommend caution. (PN)
Mary Immaculate
Perpetual Virginity of Mary by Br. Anthony Opisso, M.D. Nazareth Resource Library (AAA)
The Perpetual Virginity of Mary St. Jerome against Helvidius Download Congregation for the Clergy, Holy See
"Brethren of the Lord" Catholic Answers Mary & the Saints
The Protoevangelium of James The Birth of Mary the Holy Mother of God, and Very Glorious Mother of Jesus Christ
The Truth About Mary (summary of trilogy, Queenship)
Mary, Queen of Heaven The Evidence In Scripture
Jesus & Mary in re: Genesis 3:15 Nazareth Resource Library (AAA)
The Key to Understanding Mary by James Akin. Nazareth Resource Library
The Interior Life of Our Lady Rev. William G. Most Peter\\\\\\'s Net
Mediatrix of All Graces by Rev William G Most
The Blessed Virgin Mary Joseph\\\\\\'s Catholic Webatorium collection of religious art
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Promised Woman Mother Angelica EWTN
Our Journey Home Larry & Joetta Lewis discuss how their understanding of Mary\\\\\\'s role was so dramatically changed.
Say it with ros(ari)es Gerard Serafin\\\\\\'s personal story which is an analogy of why devotion to Mary does not detract from, but rather magnifies devotion to Our Lord.
Mary, Holy Mother Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
Mary According to the Scriptures (part 1) Tim Staples St. Joseph radio real audio
Mary According to the Scriptures (part 2) Tim Staples St. Joseph radio real audio
Mary Our Jewish Mother Rosalind Moss St. Joseph radio real audio
Mary and the Moslems The Mindszenty Report
Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici (A,B,B+) a lay organization seeking the papal definition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces and Advocate of the people of God.
Why Do Catholics Venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary? Fr. Kevin Beach. Leaflets of Faith
Table of Contents
Mass, The Holy
Explanation of the Mass
Celebration of the Mass description, "walk through", terms, liturgical objects, participants etc. St. Louis Archdiocese
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom online video Byzantine Catholic.
Ordinary of the Tridentine Mass 1962 Edition English translation of the "old" Latin Mass Intra Text edition
Biblical origens of the Mass Tom Nash. Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
The Mass & the Book of Revelation (part 1) Scott Hahn Catholic Answers (real audio) (download)
The Mass & the Book of Revelation (part 2) Scott Hahn Catholic Answers (download)
Daily Catholic Mass (Scripture Readings and Homily) Real audio EWTN
Mass readings and Psalms National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC)
The Word of God Hour developed by Fr. John Mole, O.M.I., to help you prepare for the coming Sunday\\\\\\'s readings.
The Liturgical Calendar Saints & other feast days
Mass Times (AAA-) "Anyone who travels or wants to check on Mass times in the local area will benefit. 800-627-7846"
Table of Contents
The meaning of life The Baltimore Catechism
Catholicism 101 St.Patrick\\\\\\'s Church "Basic information EVERY Catholic should memorize"
Abstinence from Meat on Fridays
Movie reviews NCCB/USCC
Catholic Film Review (AAA+)
*The Teachings of Jesus Christ (Father Corapi)
Fr. William G. Most Petersnet. A text-searchable database of over 230 theological works by the late Fr. William G. Most, one of the foremost theologians and Scripture scholars of our time.
Dr. Scott Hahn Links Protestant Minister Becomes Catholic
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Real audio of his talks Catholic Apologetics International
The Virtually Venerable Fulton J Sheen by Charles F. Harvey
Peter Kreeft Featured writings. Ignatius Press
G.K. Chesterton humorous quotes
Quote collection
Fishers of Men Apostles of the Modern Age
The College of Cardinals Aquinas multi-media
Evolution Revisited By Jim Seghers Totus Tuus Ministries (A,B,A)
Creation, Creationism, and Empirical Theistic Arguments Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAB+)
Masonry Clear Light
Objections to Christianity The Christian Think Tank (Not a Catholic site, but some interesting articles)
The Unforgivable Sin James Akin
How to Avoid Purgatory, Ch. 13 by Fr. Paul O\\\\\\'Sullivan
Suffering by Fr. Paul O\\\\\\'Sullivan, O.P.
Read Me or Rue It by Fr. Paul O\\\\\\'Sullivan, O.P. Holy Souls Online
Reflections on Anxiety James Cardinal Hickey gives some excellent tips on how to reduce anxiety in today\\\\\\'s stressful lifestyle.
The Church on the Cross Today A site devoted to exposing and halting the persecution of Christians.
The Cardinal Kung Foundation the persecution of the Church in Communist China and seeks to help
Shroud of Turin website (AAA) An examination of the evidence for the purported burial cloth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
On the Christian Burial of the Dead Bishop Raymond Burke Peter\\\\\\'s Net
Doctors of the Church The Complete list. (A,B,A) Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Padre Pio (A,B,A) We highly recommend this site and in our opinion it is the best site on the Web about Padre Pio. The ......site is also available in Spanish, French, German and Italian. (Petersnet)
Padre Pio National Center for Padre Pio
Radio for the Catholic faithful Listing of Catholic radio stations nationwide
AM radio reception tips and links
Catholic Writers Association (AAA) Bringing Catholic writers, and those desiring their services together.
Table of Contents
News & Current events/issues
EWTN NewsLink Catholic Headlines from the Last 7 Days
Daily Catholic News Catholic News Service Official News Service of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCC
Daily Catholic News compilation by Catholic.org
Daily News Catholic Community Forum
Zenit Catholic News An international group of Catholic Journalists based in Rome
Catholic World News
Vatican news sources
Inside the Vatican
International Fides Official news agency of the Vatican Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith
National Catholic Register
Life News Pro-life website
LifeSite Daily News a pro-life Canadian site with some excellent resources
Total Catholic.com Brittish
Media Watch Canadian Catholics Information Network, links to reviews and info concerning movies, CDs & tv programs
Vatican Information Service (A,B,A+) The official news service of the Vatican. In English, French or Spanish
Vatican Radio (A,B,A)
L\\\\\\'OSSERVATORE ROMANO (English) The official newspaper of the Vatican Home
NCCB United States Catholic Conference News
NCCB/USCC Weekly Movie Reviews
Eclesiales Church News Compiled daily by a group of Catholic Journalists from Eclesiales, based in Spain.
Catholic World Today (Real Audio)
The Interim Canada\\\\\\'s pro-life, pro-family newspaper online (not Catholic)
News from Rome Report on current events in politics, culture and religion from Rome
The Drudge Report Secular
Cyber News Service
Google News breaking news from numerous websites
Current events/issues:
The end of marriage in Scandinavia The "conservative case" for same-sex marriage collapses. by Stanley Kurtz
Terri Schiavo\\\\\\'s fight for life
St. Nicholas (AAA) Discovering the truth about Santa Claus
Election Resources Priests For Life
Legislation Action Center National Right to Life Committee
Burial Box of St. James Found? Catholic Answers
On the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae) Pope John Paul II Apostolic Letter 10-16-02
Jews Don’t Need Jesus? A Special Planet Envoy Critique of “Reflections on Covenant and Missionâ€Â, Carl E. Olson
Vatican to US Bishops: "Re-Work the Document" Inside the Vatican
Archbishop Pell: A Case Study in False Accusations Zenit
Strange Bedfellows: Defenders of Pedophilia Advising the Bishops Dr. Judith Reisman - Washington Times
Eight bishops propose new plenary council of U.S. church Catholic News Service
Text of Bishops\\\\\\' letter requesting the convocation of a Plenary Council
8 Bishops Call for Plenary Council to Address Underlying Causes of Crisis! by Gregory Popcak, Mind Heart & Strength
Who is Overseeing the Oversight Committee? by Karl Maurer Catholic Citizens of Illinois
A Catholic Response Amid the Sex-Abuse Scandals A homily by a Boston priest
"The Myth of the Pedophile Priest" A Researcher Puts Scandals in Context Zenit News
"Sexuality Advisors" moral foundations at odds with the Catholic Church they "serve", by Dr. Judith Reisman
Holding Bishops Accountable By Diogenes Catholic World Report
Pedophilia and Kulturkampf
St. Peter Damian\\\\\\'s Book of Gomorrah: A Blueprint for Our Times (part 2) by Randy Engel
Child Predators Exposing the partnership between the abortion industry & child predators. By Mark Crutcher
St. Sebastian\\\\\\'s Angels Catholic World Report
The Purification and the Spring By Deacon Keith Fournier
Calculated Deception: Cloning Advocates Aren’t Telling the Truth William Saunders
Pledge lawsuit apparently based on a lie
The Founders on Public Religious Expression by David Barton Wallbuilders
A September 11th Hijacking: How \\\\\\'Gay\\\\\\' Activists Smeared Father Mychal Judge Concerned Women for America
Boys who have never fired a gun By Judith Reisman and Eunice Van Winkle Ray WorldNet Daily News
(Latin American) Lefebvre Catholics opt for full communion with Rome Fides, 1-18-02
Our Lady And Islam: Heaven\\\\\\'s Peace Plan By Fr. Ladis J. Cizik. Soul Magazine, September-October 2001
Islam and the West First Things collection of articles etc.
Terror: The New Face of War in the 21st Century Traditional Catholic Reflections
Holy See´s Guidelines for Fast and Prayer for Peace 12-7-01 Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff
When Evil Strikes The Catholic Response to Terrorism Our Sunday Visitor "What The Church Teaches" resources
Cloning & Stem Cell Research Our Sunday Visitor "What The Church Teaches" online resources
Vaccines From Abortion - Embryonic Stem Cell Research Children of God ... For Life
Vaccines utilizing Abortion victims - the Conflicting Opinions from Church Moralists and Theologians
new Smallpox vaccine alternative that does NOT use abortion victims as a growing culture
pregnancy vaccines Population Research Institute
Baby-Killing Vaccine: is it Being Stealth Tested? by James A. Miller
Abortifacient Vaccines: Technological Update, Hazards, And Pro-Life Appraisal Lawrence F. Roberge. Faith & Reason
Population Control and RU-486: The Hidden Agenda By David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
The Inflated Reputation Of Hans Urs von Balthasar (in re: dare we hope ALL are saved?) By Regis Scanlon
Will All Be Saved? Richard John Neuhaus The Public Square First Things 115 (August/September 2001): 77-104
The Number of those Saved by Fr. William Most
What\\\\\\'s Up with Harry Potter? Radix
Harry Potter and The Lost Generations by Clare McGrath Merkle
Harry Potter - Divergent views Peter\\\\\\'s Net
Did J.R.R. Tolkien believe the Lord of the Rings was a Catholic story?
Harry Potter: Agent of Conversion by Toni Collins Envoy Magazine
Catholicism & Capital Punishment Avery Cardinal Dulles First Things (April 2001)
Avery Cardinal Dulles and His Critics: An Exchange on Capital Punishment First Things (Aug/Sept. 2001)
Table of Contents
Other Tools
The Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent
Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas
The Jewish Encyclopedia
The Hutchinson Family Encyclopedia, Online Edition (Secular)
GIRM (General Instruction on the Roman Missal) EWTN Library
Documents on "The General Instruction of the Roman Missal" Congregation For Divine Worship EWTN
Appendix to the General Instruction for the Dioceses of the United States (D,A,B) Christus Rex
GIRM (Holy Thursday, 2000 revision) National Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCC (A,B,A)
Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani 2,000 The "new" General Instruction of the Roman Missal (Latin Text) NCCB/USCC
Latin tutorial (online) Tufts University
Latin Dictionary Tufts University
Ecclesiastical Latin resources Dr Edward Peters
Biblical languages (Greek & Latin) University of St. Mary of the Lake; Mundelein Seminary
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid Notre Dame
Greek Dictionary Perseus text tools, Tufts University
Hebrew (Old Testament) Lexicon Crosswalk.com Bible Study (Non-Catholic)
yourDictionary.com Dictionary, thesaurus etc. etc. 230+ languages
Translation engine (Alta Vista). Good for Italian to English, English to Spanish etc. etc. etc.
Latin translation engine downloadable Beta version
Latin Verb Conjugation Java Applet
Dictionary of Catholic Terms Journey in Faith
Catholic Definitions Second Exodus (AAA)
Glossary of Catholic Terms Catholic Almanac. Our Sunday Visitor
New Catholic Dictionary 1910 Patron Saints Index
Catholic Almanac Our Sunday Visitor
Catholic Word Book Knights of Columbus (AAA) Hundreds of words defined.
convert biblical citations on a webpage to hyperlinks! paste the url, choose your bible version & viola!
See also Bible Links
Online Libraries
Catholic Software
Table of Contents
Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas Other works of St. Thomas Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
On the existence of God Lux Veritatis
The 60 second Aquinas Lesson Lux Veritatis
On Moral Philosophy Lux Veritatis
On the Essence of Law Lux Veritatis
Thomistic Philosophy Page
A Catholic Philosophy & Theology Resource Page
Readings for Philosophers and Catholics Jacques Maritain Center Ralph McInerny, Director
The CPATS Philosophy Web Page Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society (AAB)
The Twenty-Four Fundamental Theses Of Official Catholic Philosophy By P. Lumbreras, O.P., S.T.Lr., Ph.D.
Self-study courses: International Catholic University
Aristotle Plato Confucius various other classic authors M.I.T.
Table of Contents
Position Paper Addressing the Problem of Catholic Politicians Who Publicly Advocate Abortion Rights (CUF)
The Constitution of the United States of America (including all amendments) Cornell University
Religious Liberty & the (U.S.) Courts First Things collection of articles
The Declaration of Independence Emory University
U.S. Founding Documents U.S. Constitution, U.S. Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers. with search engine
Library of Congress Legislation, Congressional Record, and Committees, additional resources
Religion and the Founding of the American Republic Library of Congress exhibition
American Center for Law and Justice Defends Christian liberties & rights in the face of hostile foes, such as the ACLU
Acton Institute for the study of religion and liberty
America\\\\\\'s Christian Heritage
The Importance of Morality and Religion in Government Quotes from America\\\\\\'s founding fathers Wallbuilders David Barton
*Religious Founders? Read Their Writings David Barton\\\\\\'s " Wallbuilders " site details how revisionists have rewritten US history
Why America Can\\\\\\'t Do Without Religion By William E. Simon Jr.
The Claremont Institute for the study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy
The Heritage Foundation
George Washington online
Excommunication.net Favors the excommunication of notorious abortion advocates (including many Catholic politicians)
Table of Contents
The Pope & the Papacy
EWTN faith facts
Did Jesus really make Peter Pope? Fr. William Saunders EWTN (AAA)
The Papacy and Infallibility Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA) Numerous articles & links
St. Peter in the New Testament Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
The Pope, Holy Father Dr. Scott Hahn transcripts
What the Fathers Say: The Primacy of Peter James Akin This Rock
Eastern Fathers of the Church support the Papacy Antoine Valentine (quoting Jesus Peter & the Keys)
Protestant Scholars Agree: Peter Is the Rock by Gary Hoge
The Keys of the Kingdom as given to St. Peter, and his successor Popes EWTN (AAA)
The Primacy of the Pope in the Church Pedro Rodriguez
Pope John Paul II EWTN (AAA) His biography (pre- & post-pontificate), writings, prayers, thought etc. etc.
Events in the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Peter and the Orthodox: a Reprise Ray Ryland
Pastor aeternus First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ Vatican Council definition of Papal Infallibility
Lumen Gentium
NCCB report Concerning the Catholic Theological Society of America Report on the Ordination of Women
Infallibility In The Context Of Three Contemporary Developments Mark Lowery Assoc. Professor, Moral Theology U.D.
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: Exercise in Infallibility by Jeffrey Mirus
Is "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis" An Infallible Exercise of the Extraordinary Papal Magisterium?, by Fr Peter Pilsner
The Ex Cathedra Status of the Encyclical "Humanae Vitae" Brian W. Harrison, O.S.
The Problem of Religious Liberty: A New Proposal the Church has never changed its magisterial teachings Thomas Storck
On Paul Halsall\\\\\\'s Syllabus of Papal and Magisterial Errors: A Defense of the Authority of the Magisterium Luke Wadel
On Pope Honorius condemnation by J. H. R. American Catholic Quarterly Review
Theology 603:The Holy Spirit and the Church By Wm.G.Most
The Pope and the Church:No quick fix by Marcel Gervais, Archbishop of Ottawa Domestic-Church.Com (AAA)
The Papacy EWTN (AAA) What is the Pope, Chronology of Popes, The year of 3 popes, titles, insignias etc.
Pope Fiction: Answers to Five Myths and Misconceptions About the Papacy Patrick Madrid. Envoy magazine
The Popes of the Church Catholic Community Forum a chronological listing with hotlinks
List of Popes from St. Peter to the present (with hotlinks) The Catholic Encyclopedia
Historical sources for the list of Popes The Catholic Encyclopedia
Popes & anti-Popes
Pictures of the popes & Background Christopher Wong
Pope John Paul II Cultural Center
John Paul II\\\\\\'S Secret the source of John Paul\\\\\\'s strength and charisma
"The most beautiful photos of the Pope" "L\\\\\\'Osservatore Romano" Photographic Service
Encyclicals, Apostolic Letters, Exhortations, Constitutions, homilies etc of our 9 most recent Popes. Vatican archives
Electing a Pope Catholic Pages
Table of Contents
Prayer resources
The Necessity and Power of Prayer St. Alphonsus Ligouri Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Prayers & prayer requests Catholic Community Forum
E-Pistle The Day\\\\\\'s Scriptural Readings,Liturgy of the Hours, The Saint of the Day, Today in Church History, Quotes from Saints, Prayer Requests, Fact of the day
Contemplative Nuns at prayer - prayer requests St. Louis Archdiocese
Divine Mercy Devotions EWTN
Stations of the Cross Patron Saints Index
Stations of the Cross Teddy Yew
Stations of the Cross Free program from Clear Light
Stillness & Quietude Teddy Yew
Liturgical Readings for the month Catholic Community Forum
Liturgy of the Hours The Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate
Articles on Liturgy of the Hours etc. dmoz open directory project
Gregorian Chant Online Gregorian Chants for the Vesperal Mass of Maundy Thursday. FSSP
Latin Hymns
E.Book of Common Prayers Patron Saints Index
Reflections from parish bulletins, and other sources
Saint for today Patron Saints Index
The Apostolate for Perpetual Adoration
The 60-Second Aquinas Lesson Catholic Community Forum
The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers Short articles gleaning wisdom from the desert fathers. Inner Light Productions
The Beatitudes Father Benedict Groeschel
The Real Presence and Sanctity Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Prayer Book & Study Guide for Windows Free program from Clear Light (B,A,A-)
Catholic Prayers
On the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae) Pope John Paul II Apostolic Letter 10-16-02
Private Devotions to Mary: The Rosary Catholic Biblical Apologetics (B,A,B+) Includes a history of the Rosary
Rosary - History EWTN Frequently asked questions in the expert forums
Rosary - Scripture EWTN Frequently asked questions in the expert forums
Virtual Rosary download this nice, free program
How to Pray the Rosary Copyright 1994 by Zoltan Abraham
How to Pray the Rosary The Conservative Catholic (AAA-)
Free Rosaries! Joe Zollars
*Catholic Prayers in Scripture Steve Kellmeyer. Includes the Hail Mary, The Rosary, Memorare, Hail Holy Queen etc
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Treasury of Latin Prayers) (AAA) Latin prayers, English translations, brief commentaries
The Psalter - The Book of Psalms
The Passion of Jesus Christ by Father Donald Senior, C.P.
Passionist Resource Center (AAA-) "Mission is to image the Passion in traditional and new ways through the web pages"
A Guide for Spiritual Direction by Jim Seghers (A,B,A) Totus Tuus Ministries
Spiritual Direction questions & answers by Fr. Anthony Bannon Vocation.com (AAB+)
Overcoming One\\\\\\'s Root Sinful Tendency by Jim Seghers " "
Three Ways of the Spiritual Life (Tanquerey 1923) Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.) (A,B,A)
Collected Works of St. John of the Cross The Teresian Carmel
Works by & about St. John of the Cross Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Works by & about St. Teresa of Avila Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Works by St. Teresa of Avila Hanover
Works by & about Therese, of Lisieux Christian Classics Ethereal Library
The Maxims Of St. Teresa Of Avila CIN
The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence Live a life of gentleness, peace and quiet, continuous joy
The Fundamental Elements of Carmelite Spirituality Fr Joseph Chalmers, O.Carm.
Brothers & Sisters of Penance (A,B,A) by Father Martin Mary, FI, on-line Spiritual Assistant
Catholic Prayers Et Cum Spirtu Tuo (B,A,A-)
Apostolic Constitution on the Doctrine of Indulgences Pope Paul VI (1-1-1976). Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Preface to the Third Edition of the Handbook of Indulgences (5-18-86) Apostolic Penitentiary. Catholic Liturgy Library
Norms on Indulgences [from the Enchiridion of Indulgences issued on 29 June 1968.] Our Lady\\\\\\'s Warriors
Spiritual Reflections (AAA) web page by Paul Sefton
Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls
Table of Contents
Pro Life
Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) Pope John Paul II EWTN
Donum Vitae Respect for Human Life Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Pregnancy Centers OnLine Help for women in distress
- Post Abortion Assistance resource list from Pregnancy Centers OnLine
Birthright International caring, non-judgmental support to girls and women distressed by an unplanned pregnancy
Stand Up Girl! If you\\\\\\'re pregnant, scared, and alone -- I know...I\\\\\\'ve been there
Abortion Alternatives Abortion Information page
National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) To Empower women to choose life by...
Project Rachel Post Abortion Reconciliation & Healing, National Office 1-800-5WE-CARE
After Abortion.org Links to Material Pertaining to Post-Abortion Healing & Post-Abortion Education & Research
Victims of Choice Dedicated to helping in healing and recovery from abortion
The Elliott Institute (After Abortion.org) (AAA-) Not a Catholic site, but "is an invaluable resource for the pro-life movement" David Reardon, Ph.D., the institute\\\\\\'s director, has specialized in abortion aftermath since the \\\\\\'80s
Shrine of the Holy Innocents in Memory of the Children Who have died Unborn. enroll children in the "book of life"
Abortion Concern Abortion-experienced women defending the \\\\\\'right to refuse\\\\\\'
Rachel s Vineyard ® Retreats for Healing After Abortion
Post-Abortion Trauma: Bring on the Facts Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D.
Ultimate Pro-Life List
Priests for Life (AAA) Pregnant and Need Help? Call 1-800-67-BABY-6
- Youth Website special resources for students, teachers, youth groups, and youth ministers
Ohio Right to Life An excellent site!
Silent Scream.org Gripping pictures of an abortion by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL, now Catholic
American Life League (AAA)
Life Call
Roe No More.org (A,C,A-) "The website of Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade
...decision establishing abortion on demand in the United States." Exerpts from her conversion story.
RoevWade.org (AAA+)
The real \\\\\\'Jane Roe\\\\\\' Famed abortion lawsuit plaintiff says uncaring attorneys \\\\\\'used\\\\\\' her
An Interview with Norma McCorvey The "Roe" of "Roe vs. Wade" and Sandra Cano, the "Doe" of "Doe vs. Bolton"
National Right to Life
--Links to local right to life State organizations usually have good information on voting records of polititicians
Life Issues.net Bioethics Excellent scholarly authors discuss in vitro fertilization, stem cell research, cloning etc.
The Culture of Life Foundation
Life Research & Communications Institute
Life Dynamics (A,B,A-)
One More Soul
Human Life International (AAA)
Human Life International (Ireland)
Life Decisions International includes resources for boycotting planned parenthood & abortion supporters
Index of Corporations which are Aiding and Abetting Abortion on Demand:
Pro-Life Shopping Guide St. Antoninus Institute for Catholic Education in Business
Pro-Life Action League Joe Scheidler\\\\\\'s organization Student Research section
The Abortion Information Page
Catholics United for Life (A,B,B) This is an excellent organization which we highly endorse (PN)
The Lies and Deceit of the abortion providers/industry Roe v Wade.org
Meet the Abortion Providers Abortionists who have quit tell their compelling stories
The Abortion War Memorial Claim a cross for your child.
The Correlations between the abortion holocaust and the NAZI holocaust
Child Predators Exposing the partnership between the abortion industry & child predators. By Mark Crutcher
Direct vs. Indirect Abortion On the morality of medical procedures for saving the life of a mother which kill the child
Rape, Incest and Abortion: Searching Beyond the Myths David C. Reardon, Ph.D
Abortion cures rape? Pregnant Pause.org
The "hard cases" rape, incest, life of the mother
Is abortion ever necessary "to save the life of the mother"? No. Interview with Dr. George Isajiw, MD 1998
A summary of Pro-Choice Arguments Pregnant Pause.com
The Blackmun wall a partial listing of the women killed by legal abortion along with their stories.
Therapeutic Birth Giving birth improves a woman\\\\\\'s life expectancy! by Mike Richmond Pregnant Pause.org
Why Can\\\\\\'t We Love Them Both? By Dr. Jack Wilke Online book
Healing Violence Against Women Theresa Burke, Ph.D., DAPA
The Survivors of Abortion Youth For Life
Survivors of Abortion Abortion Facts.com
21-week-old fetus Samuel Armas grips the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner through the incision during in-utero operation.
Baby Hope Mona Charen. Baby allowed to die in technician\\\\\\'s arms without treatment
What Does The Church Teach About Birth Control? c 1981 The Couple to Couple League International Inc (AAA)
Contraceptive Pills Abortifacient HLI Ireland
Emergency "Contraception" and Early Abortion US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Population Control and RU-486: The Hidden Agenda By David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
Donum Sanctum Pro-Life arm of Lux Veritatis links
When do human beings begin? "Scientific" Myths and Scientific Facts Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D.
When does life begin? Senate Judiciary Subcommittee 4-23,24, 1981 The scientific community\\\\\\'s concensus
When Babies Get Their Souls James Akin
Fetal Life and Abortion: Human Personhood at Conception Table of Contents Home
Human Personhood at Conception (AAB+) The scientific understanding, Roe v. Wade\\\\\\'s understanding, Your understanding
The Carhart Testimony Notorious partial-birth abortion doctor, under oath in July 1997, on how he commits abortions.
...Here he is questioned by his attorney:
America\\\\\\'s Back Door Market For Aborted Fetal Tissue Asheville Tribune Investigative Report
Hardened Hearts, Pity the Stenberg Five David M. Smolin San Francisco Faith
Abortion Survivors (secular magazine. NOT a Catholic source) The New American magazine
Body Parts for Sale! Mona Charen November 9, 1999
Woe to the Bloody City! The Harvest of Innocents Joseph Collison New Oxford Review article of the year, 2000
Live-Birth Abortions The Next Step After Partial-Birth Abortion, By Catherina Hurlburt CWFA
Abortion & Excommunication EWTN Frequently asked questions in the expert forums
Excommunication.net The excommunication of notorious abortion advocates would be directed to the end of reconciling these sinners with the Church, and for sake of the purity of the Church
Alan Keyes challenges America on the right to life
The History of Church teaching on abortion - Part I Donald DeMarco, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Ignatius Press, 1984
The Roman Catholic Church And Abortion: An Historical Perspective - Part II Donald DeMarco " " " " "
It CAN Happen Here John Woodward. US funded study showing poor disabled babies can be left to die without treatment
A Detailed Look at partial birth abortion
U.S. Abortion Index Eye opening statistics including today\\\\\\'s death toll
New Explanation for Bobbitt Mutilation Points to Abortion The Elliott Institute
Catholic Medical Association
Physicians Life Alliance
First Feminists were Opposed to Abortion Quotes
Abortion - The Black Woman\\\\\\'s Voice
Proudly Pro-Choice by Jay Johansen
Pro-Life items for sale buttons, pins, address labels, bookmarks, cards, stickers etc. etc.
Cloning American Bioethics Advisory Commission
Cloning & Stem Cell Research Our Sunday Visitor "What The Church Teaches" online resources
Vaccines From Abortion - Embryonic Stem Cell Research Children of God ... For Life
Vaccines utilizing Abortion victims - the Conflicting Opinions from Church Moralists and Theologians
new Smallpox vaccine alternative that does NOT use abortion victims as a growing culture
pregnancy vaccines Population Research Institute
Baby-Killing Vaccine: is it Being Stealth Tested? by James A. Miller
Abortifacient Vaccines: Technological Update, Hazards, And Pro-Life Appraisal Lawrence Roberge. Faith & Reason
On preventing suicide Warning signs. What to do
Catholicism & Capital Punishment Avery Cardinal Dulles First Things (April 2001)
Capital punishment the Church\\\\\\'s teaching Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Catholics and Capital Punishment Reverend Augustine Judd, O.P, S.T.L. Knights of Columbus (AAA)
Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation
Not Dead Yet Americans with Disabilities don\\\\\\'t want your pity or your lethal mercy, We want freedom. We want LIFE
Will to Live Program National Right to Life
Parents Fight for Daughter, Brain-Damaged Woman Faces Threat of Court-Ordered Starvation By Liz Townsend
Of Living Wills and Butterfly Ballots By Nancy Valko, RN
Resources for End of Life Care the Roman Catholic Church in Massachusetts The Plan
Bioethical Magisterium on Normal Treatment & Ordinary Care: Medically Assisted Feeding & Hydration Rev Ed Richard
Withholding Nutrition Helen M. Valois Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Life News Pro-life website
Table of Contents
Sacraments Anointing of the sick, Baptism, Confession/Reconciliation, Confirmation, Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders
The Sacramental Economy The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
The Sacraments The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, The Eucharist The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
The Sacraments of Healing: Penance & Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Sacraments The Baltimore Catechism
Frequently Asked Questions - The Sacraments New Advent (AAA)
Preparation for the sacraments The right to prepare children for the Sacraments Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
Signs of the Christ: Sacraments of the Catholic Church Catholics United for the Faith (AAA+)
The Sacraments Catholic Answers (AAA)
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church: Growth by Oath Dr. Scott Hahn transcript
Sacramentalism Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAA)
Corunum Apologetics Website What the earliest Church Fathers wrote & thought (AAA)
The Sacraments Peter Kreeft Catholic Educator\\\\\\'s Resource Center (AAA)
Sacramentals On Sacramentals The Baltimore Catechism
What is the difference between the Sacraments and the sacramentals? The Baltimore Catechism
Table of Contents
Anointing of the sick
Anointing of the Sick Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Extreme Unction The Baltimore Catechism
Anointing of the Sick Catholic Answers (AAA)
Extreme Unction The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Table of Contents
The Sacrament of Baptism Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Baptism The Baltimore Catechism
Baptism several tracts Catholic Answers (AAA)
Infant Baptism The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Infant Baptism Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
"Born again" The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Are Catholics Born Again? You Betcha! Steve Ray Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Triune Baptism The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Table of Contents
Misericordia Dei Apostolic Letter On Certain Aspects of the Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance Pope John Paul II
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
The Sacrament of Penance The Baltimore Catechism
On Confession The Baltimore Catechism
Confession, Forgiveness of Sins Catholic Answers
Documents on First Confession/First Communion First Confession must come before First Communion
The Sacrament of Penance individual vs. communal. Congregation for Divine Worship & the Discipline of the Sacraments
Confession The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
A Guide to Confession Knights of Columbus Preparation, Recognizing Sin, "how to", Contrition, Examination of Conscience
A Guide for Confession Archdiocese of St. Louis Explanation & "how to", mortal vs. venial sin, Act of contrition,
On the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation The Most Reverend Thomas G Doran, D.D., J.C.D., Bishop of Rockford
Guide to a Good Confession St. Patrick\\\\\\'s Parish, St. Charles, IL
The practice of frequent confession by Paul Kokoski
Table of Contents
The Sacrament of Confirmation Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Confirmation The Baltimore Catechism
Confirmation Catholic Answers (AAA)
Confirmation-Holy Chrism Teachings of the Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Table of Contents
The Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Eucharist Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
On The Holy Eucharist The Baltimore Catechism
On the Ends for Which the Holy Eucharist was Instituted The Baltimore Catechism
Church Documents on the Eucharist The Real Presence Association (AAA)
Christ in the Eucharist The Real Presence, The Sacrifice of the Mass, Who Can Receive Communion? Catholic Answers
Q & A on the Eucharist US Catholic Conference of Bishops April 13, 2000 Copyright
Figurative? Or Literal?! The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist Raymond de Souza, Lumen Verum
The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist Jennifer Maloney Faith of Our Fathers (B,A,A)
The Real Presence The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
The Eucharist in the Fathers An explanation of how the early Church passed on Our Lord\\\\\\'s teaching example. Steve Ray
Transubstantiation The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
The Institution of the Eucharist in Scripture from a talk by Dr. Scott Hahn
The Fourth Cup from a talk by Dr. Scott Hahn
The Lamb\\\\\\'s Supper from a talk by Dr. Scott Hahn
Eucharist, Holy Meal from a talk by Dr. Scott Hahn
The Eucharist as the Meal of Melchizedek from a talk by Dr. Scott Hahn
The Real Presence and Sanctity Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
The Real Meaning of the Real Presence Rev. Timothy V. Vaverek interviewed by Deal W. Hudson Crisis Magazine
History of the Eucharist Adore Christ for Peace , Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
The Real Presence in St. Augustine Rev. J. B. Jaggar, S.J., B.A. Defenders of the Catholic Faith (B,A,A+)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen A short story of a how little girl inspired him to spend an hour a day before Our Lord
The Real Presence Association (AAA) dedicated to promoting devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Apostles of the Real Presence (A,B,A-) Educational material about the Real Presence etc.
Eucharistic miracles The Real Presence Association (AAA) Laniciano, Italy miracle
The Eucharist in Scripture Second Exodus
Churches & Chapels with Eucharistic Adoration includes times & directions. The Real Presence Association (AAA)
Eucharist (A,B,A-)
The Holy Eucharist is the Whole Christ by Rev. John A. Hardon, S.J.
The Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass Biblical Evidence For Catholicism (AAB+) Numerous links & articles
Apostolate for the Eucharistic Life (A,B,A+) A lay apostolate promoting a deepening of faith in the Real Presence. tapes etc
Apostolate for Perpetual Adoration Catholic Kiosk of Cincinnati OH
Numerous articles The Internet Padre (AAA+)
Table of Contents
Holy Matrimony
The Sacrament of Matrimony Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
On Matrimony The Baltimore Catechism
The Permanence of Matrimony Catholic Answers (AAA)
Holy Matrimony The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Church Fathers on Divorce and the Indissolubility of Marriage Australian Catholic University
Table of Contents
Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
On Extreme Unction and Holy Orders The Baltimore Catechism
Holy Orders The teachings of the early Church Fathers Corunum Apologetics Website (AAA) by Joe Gallegos
Bishop, Priest, Deacon Catholic Answers
Women and the Priesthood Catholic Answers
Vocation.com (AAB+)
Table of Contents
Index of the saints Catholic Community Forum (AAA)
The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints compiled by Jacobus de Voragine Catholic Community Forum
Saints in Art Catholic Community Forum
Feast of All Saints website (AAA) More saints links
Patron Saints St. Charles Borromeo (AAA)
Index of Saints St. Patrick\\\\\\'s Catholic Church in Washington, DC (AAA) "..may well be the largest available on the Web"
Saints Index Catholic Online (C,A,B+)
Canonizations by Pope Leo XIII & His Successors Our Sunday Visitor
Incorrupt Bodies of the Saints Photos and backgrounds of various saints whose bodies are still incorrupt.
Saint Francis of Assissi (AAA) The Franciscan archive. "many Franciscan documents, articles and writings." PN
Saint Therese of Lisieux EWTN
Joan of Arc, the personal recollections of by The Sieur Louis De Conte, her page and secretary
Saints Alive (AAA) " founded to restore and maintain the dignity of the remains of the saints and promote proper veneration. On this site one can view pictures of actual relics, read an explanation of the Mass and the veneration of saints." (PetersNet)
Patricia\\\\\\'s World Of Catholic Saints and Holy Witnesses
The Canonization Of Saints by Mgr. P. E. Hallett outline of the history and the processes of beatification and canonization
The Intercession of the Saints Catholic Answers
Praying to the Saints Catholic Answers
Saint worship? Catholic Answers
Table of Contents
Sins of the Catholic Church
Church Asks Pardon for Her Members\\\\\\' Sins Pope John Paul II
Memory and Reconciliation: The Church and the Faults of the Past The Vatican. International Theological Commission
A Mistaken Church? Professor Janet E. Smith Catholic Dossier
Catholic "scandals" & shortcomings Biblical Evidence for Catholicism. (Dave Armstrong)
Church\\\\\\'s Sins And Misunderstandings* Luke Wadel
The Crusades and World War II: An Instructive Ethical Analogy by Mark Shea
The Friendly Hebrew Sons of St. Paul A Jewish guide to the Catholic Church. Links to the truth.
Pius XII & the Holocaust Christopher McGath. Many links
Nazi diary shows Catholic Church\\\\\\'s help to Jews during Word War II Adolf Eichmann\\\\\\'s diaries
Nazis and Church Locked Horns Early ZENIT Catholic Educator\\\\\\'s Resource Center (AAA)
Pius Defenders by Thomas J. Craughwell
Revisionist History, the Holocaust, and the Vatican By Kenneth L. Woodward Newsweek, March 30, 1998
Pius XII : Greatness Dishonoured Michael O\\\\\\'Carroll, C.S.Sp. (Published by Laetare Press, Blackrock, Co. Dublin)
Catholics and the Holocost Dinand Library College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA (table of contents)
The Good Samaritan: Jewish Praise for Pope Pius XII Dimitri Cavalli EWTN
*Pius XII and the Jews By Rabbi David G. Dalin in "The Weekly Standard"
A Question of Judgment: Pius XII & the Jews By Dr. Joseph L. Lichten Anti-Defamation League of B\\\\\\'nai B\\\\\\'rith
Catholic voting patterns in Nazi Germany
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church The Augustine Club at Columbia University, 1998-2001
860,000 lives saved—the truth about Pius XII and the Jews Catholic Family #10, Autumn 1991
Contrition in the age of spin control
The Holy Inquisition: Myth or Reality by Dr. Marian Horvat, Ph.D, Professor of Medieval History Ecclesia Mitlitans
The Inquisition Lumen Verum (AAA)
The Inquisition Fr. William Most
The Protestant Inquisition Biblical Evidence for Catholicism. (Dave Armstrong)
A New Look At the Spanish Inquisition by Edward O\\\\\\'Brien EWTN library
The Galileo Affair by George Sim Johnston pamphlet available from Scepter Press, P.O. Box 1270, Princeton, NJ 08542
Galileo and the Catholic Church By Robert P. Lockwood, Catholic League Director of Research
The Galileo Controversy Catholic Answers
Maria Monk Robert P. Lockwood Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., November/December 1996 reprinted on Peter\\\\\\'s Net
The Real Maria Monk J. Bernard Delany, O.P.
("Bloody") Mary Tudor and the Protestants by D.G.M.Jackson M.A. 1954 (Book of Martyrs by John Foxe)
Let My People Go: the Catholic Church and Slavery Mark Brumley. This Rock, Catholic Answers, Inc., July/Aug 1999
The Popes and Slavery: Setting the Record Straight Fr. Joel S. Panzer
Slavery Fr. William Most
On Slavery (Sublimus Dei) (1537) Pope Paul III
The Real History Of The Crusades Thomas F. Madden
Table of Contents
Social Justice
Catholic Social Teaching Office for Social Justice Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
Catholic Social Teaching Doctrine JustPeace.org
Access to Catholic Social Justice Teachings (A,B,C) Resource page of Catholic and non-Catholic links to social justice. (PN)
Catholic Relief Services gives assistance based on need to people in more than 80 countries around the world.
Catholic Charities USA
-- Catholic Charities, St. Louis (314) 371-HELP help with food, shelter, rent or utilities & medical related help
Catholic Extension
The Saint Antoninus Institute For Catholic Education in Business Applying Catholic teachings to our business/work lives
Black Catholic Resources
Aid to the Church in Need - Canada (A,D,A) The primary focus is in those areas where the Church has suffered persecution
Handicapped Encounter Christ The Unofficial www homepage
The Philadelphia Handicapped Encounter Christ Retreat Program Villanova University
The Blessed Nuno Society (A,D,A) Catholic Prayer Apostolate Serving Orphaned Children
Our Lady of His Mercy (A,C,A) missionaries serving on the street in storefront drop-in centers in Canada & Lebanon
Sale of Human Organs in China "egregious human rights abuse" June 27, 2001. U.S. Dept. of State (alt)
Harry Wu: Back to the Gulag Columbia Journalism Review
Free the Fathers works to free Catholic Priests that are being held captive by the Chinese Government
The Cardinal Kung Foundation the persecution of the Church in Communist China and seeks to help
Free Church for China
Table of Contents
Are All Revealed Truths In Sacred Scripture? Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. The American Ecclesiastical Review Peter\\\\\\'s Net
Bible and Tradition: Maintain the Tradition . . . Dave Armstrong Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (AAB+)
Sacred Tradition by Jim Seghers (A,B,A) Totus Tuus Ministries
*Oral Tradition in the New Testament by David Palm This Rock magazine. Jesus & the Apostles utilized oral traditions
Table of Contents
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